not sure why this was overlooked but why are ice elementals not vulnerable to fire? they take normal damage. fire melts ice. lol
not sure why this was overlooked but why are ice elementals not vulnerable to fire? they take normal damage. fire melts ice. lol
Ice elementals also take full damage from cold damage.
you can make them similar to the snow elementals from the Risia ice games so they do the same things. sorry for double post.
If anything, ice elementals should be moderately RESISTANT to fire. Take a decent cube of ice (say 1 cubic meter). Apply a blow torch, and see how long it takes to make any progress. Water has a relatively high heat capacity so can absorb a good amount of heat before melting from ice to liquid water (and from water to steam). Part of the reason ice is so resistant to melting is that it is also a decent insulator (see igloos).
Why would fire elementals be weak vs cold and ice and water, but ice elementals be strongish vs fire? Easy, its a matter of exposed volume. An ice elemental would be solid, so any heat only applies to the outer surface. Compare this to fire elementals, where the bucket of water you just threw at them will pass through and exposed a large volume to its fire suppressing abilities. Water puts out fire by cooling the materials that are on fire so that they become too cold to spontaneously combust.
Star Firefall
20 Rogue Assasin
Currently on life 42 of 42 (Final Life!)
Science in my fantasy? more likely than you think...
Use Thermite spell then!
Last edited by Gabrael; 08-08-2013 at 09:33 AM.
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