Don't shoot the messenger! Sorry! ><!!
Don't shoot the messenger! Sorry! ><!! Sign this!!!:
DDO toll free support phone#: 855-WBGAMES (855-924-2637)
I have ONE thing to say.
Why do I say this, because both myself and a friend who have both pre-ordered could NOT log in due to this issue. I managed somehow to get in once, however after that it didn't allow me to even try again on the next attempt. It's NOT limited to one O/S, such as Windows 8, its happening over multiple O/S. Let them work out what the problem is. Honestly, I don't myself care about being able to log in with the closed beta, I only care that they get this fixed by the time its meant to go live. If they don't have it fixed by then, then I they need to really start worrying.
I'm having this problem with my regular ddo launcher and kind of getting annoyed....
Sarlona: Abbyblabby Blondecure Bronlynn Flvs Maxd
Ok so this happens for my main account, my alt account is fine to log in I don't get the message..???
Sarlona: Abbyblabby Blondecure Bronlynn Flvs Maxd
Can someone post a step bye step instruction on how to send lDNDLauncher.log
for windows 8
they don't need your log file bud ... you are responding to a thread that is a year old and was made for an issue that was occurring last year
Hello. My name is Sulay and sometimes I play DDO.
Inebriated Ociffer of Renowned
what but peps are still responding? and what do we do then do we just wait for lammina to be fixed?
how can i fix Failed to queue for server 0x80004005
Holy Necromancy Batman!! or would that be Unholy Necromancy?! Cordo, perform your magic please
"Fools said I, you do not know. Silence like a cancer grows, hear my words that I might teach you, take my hand that I might reach you, but my words like silent raindrops fell...."-Paul Simon "Day after day, we caught no breath or motion. As idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean."--Coleridge