I have tried downloading and installing on two separate computers and still get the queue error. At least the non-beta is up and I can access that one.
Have we heard anything from Kookie? And is that a good thing or a bad thing?
Looks like yet another bust. Don't have a clue how it is that every time you guys go and try to put something like this together you manage to screw the pooch so hard on these, whats more, I have no clue why I still expect it to work.
Im in this game since day 1 and after a break of almost a year i thought would be a good oportunity to come back. Sad.
well it is annoying. it supposed to be open to preorder and vip but I guess it is only selective. most of us just sol and not important enough to even get what we are told we get even when we spend the money to get it.
good thing? no
bad thing? more then likely
new thing from turbine? no
want to do cove? no
love this game? yes
getting burnt out on these endless snafus? yes
long live Xoriat
Keep going Devs, I'm praying for you guys
Anyone else getting a license review twice on both this and the live logins?
Hey everyone!
We're still working on a fix for this issue but it looks like it's a bit more involved than we had hoped for.
We're not going to have a fix ready for tonight (Saturday night for us here at Turbine) and unfortunately it's also possible that we wont have a fix until Monday.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but I will continue to keep everyone posted as I learn more!
I've been getting that for a while, they're two different agreements
Thank you Kookie and all of the other Devs working hard so we can all enjoy the game we love. I'm patient, I'm sure that you guys are all doing your best, that's all we can ask
So is this a weekend beta that ends Sunday and not open on Monday when there will might be a fix or does it go on through Monday or further. It would be nice if after getting an invitation that we could see what the beta is like. Off to bed now guess I'll check in the morning, good night to all the other lock-outs & Kookie.
Umm Hi!This is my signature. If you don't like it I love you! Welp thanks for taking the time to read this!
Well, we were invited to attend the Beta and the events starting July 26th at 10AM. It is now July 27th at 10:30 PM, and we still have not been able to log in to attend the event, nor are we given any updates on how the issue will be handled. We understand that there are technical difficulties, but there has been very little in the way of information from the DDO side of things, other than 'try again' and 'okay still investigating'.
The invitation states the following;
We are unable to log in at all, and considering this ends tomorrow, some kind of information regarding our "chance to win" might be beneficial at this time, or any discussion regarding rescheduling of this event. We are out 2 days of a possible 3 of participation, and we were told the event was continuing as scheduled, which means what for those of us that are still confounded by this issue, exactly?Be sure to stay in the game and play as much as possible between July 26th-28th to have the best chance to win! *(Don't worry if you are briefly disconnected - it will still count if you log back ni right away!)
Once again, this is both disheartening and extremely frustrating considering the cost of entrance at the gate.
Deforming the Game in 5 uses, with a 3 second Cooldown and a 15 second recovery Rate.
So, is this considered to be a failed beta weekend? or successful? I mean, the point of all beta events is to hammer out bugs. So, I guess that since we discovered this GIGANTIC bug that is preventing newly invited members of the community from connecting to the server, does that mean it was a successful weekend?
Oh, and bravo on having a contest/lottery when there is quite a few people are locked out. While I hold no delusions that I would have won, it would have been nice to have been allowed to participate....
Playing catch-up reading this thread, I gather those of us who haven't been able to get on for this beta event are SOL...never mind the fact this is apparently an on going issue for the past 3 events and has yet to be resolved...
Ahh well, glad I decided to hit the movies instead of waiting for a fix...now to decide what game I feel like playing tonight...
here is a picture for everyone that is having problems logging in to enjoy
Best line ever - STK -- (Say): Kobold Slave says, ''Go away or me sorca... sorcer... me magic you in face! Hsss!''
Next line from STK -- (Say): Kobold Slave says, ''Hobgob food is kobold! It’s koboooold!''