So, I re installed lamma just to figure out what that error message said. Turned out, I got it again. YAY! I was hoping for that. Did anyone else get the same dat file error? 19816
Best line ever - STK -- (Say): Kobold Slave says, ''Go away or me sorca... sorcer... me magic you in face! Hsss!''
Next line from STK -- (Say): Kobold Slave says, ''Hobgob food is kobold! It’s koboooold!''
Kookie's last update said this may not get fixed until monday which if you read between the lines, means they're not working on it and will be passing it off to the weekday crew. Be interesting to see if they lock or delete this thread before the next beta.
I can log in but receive (Failed to queue for server 0x800004005) when I click the lamania button. Going to try to flushdns to see if that helps, already set up in firewall to allow. Anyone one having this issue?
Oh hey look, a comedian. My issue lies with the fact that every time they open Lamma there is an issue like this, every single time. You can fanboy up all you want but all you are doing is excusing an inferior product. The more you pat them on the back hoping for them to throw you a little fish while you clap and make your happy noises the more they think they can get away with it. Open criticism is a necessary part of the development process. I payed for access to the beta and I'm not receiving it, do I have a right to be angry? **** right I do, I payed for a product and I expect to receive it. Anyone who thinks otherwise needs to take their fanboy blinders off.
Just expecting better server response if everyone saying they're going to bail out actually does....
I must be getting old. I remember the entire internet being down with fewer complaints... Of course, there were only a couple dozen of us on then with 300 baud modems, and we still had enough imagination to play "manually" because we still had manuals and dice...
I understand that people are frustrated, but are harassing comments really going to help? Posted assumptions that no one is working on it? You've never worked on a problem where you had the option to work on the fix or try to placate the people whining over it being broken?
And, based on a break down of the logs, things are changing, they are working through it. Just because you do not see progress is no reason to spread dissent. It's a beta test. None of you bought this software, and none of you have lost anything, but the few minutes to try to log in, see it failed, and move on. You probably lost more time in reading this than in NOT playing online.
Just my 2 cents, but whiners make lousy testers. Nothing is ever good enough.
No replies necessary...
Amen, brother, amen...
"if I can't have it right now, in perfect order, then it sucks..."
Imagine that one day, one of these whiners is going to President... with his (or, to be fair, her) finger on the BIG RED BUTTON...
"you didn't respond quickly enough, and I don't like the font you used!" WHOOMP....
the error im having is different it says the self patch was unable to start up
Yes, but ...
Most of us are very different from your typical code-banging beta testers. We're VIP subscribers, aka their paying customers.
So say you're on the Turbine team. Someone had to say "Hey, we should invite the VIP subscribers to be on the beta this weekend."
Someone else had to say, "Yes, that's a great idea. Let's do that."
So did someone say, "what's the worst thing that could happen?"
"well, they could get shut out completely and be left with a very bad taste in their mouths."
I assume that they considered that & assumed that it was a very small risk because why else would you risk your very best paying customers having a bad experience.
So things went to **** -- as will happen. EVEN THEN, you would think that someone in charge would say -- the worst thing we can do is disappear & leave our paying customers twisting in the wind.
So we get two posts the entire weekend from Kookie & we're supposed to be understanding & let it slide?
Come on -- this is the software business. People that pay nothing get what they get, but you need to bend over backwards for the people that pull out their wallets for you.
The question I keep on coming back to is -- why even offer this to VIPs if they thought there might even be a _chance_ of a clusterF. & then not be available to communicate. Makes no sense as a business/management decision.
You didnt get into beta just cause you have vip. Some got in by geting the expansion pre-order. others who got in but arnt vip could be long term players. personaly i like to think i got in because i been playing since they released the VON update. dont think that you are intitled to anything with beta. cause the truth is the vip that you are playing for only has to do with the live server and even then they still dont owe you a thing other then what vip says it gives
Honestly this is BETA TESTING. I understand the disappointment, but its no excuse to beat down the people who are working on it. Clearly they are trying something and are concerned since they asked us to send the logs remember this is going out to the rest of the DDO servers. Unless you can put together a game software that millions of people play with updates every year then you have really no understanding what is being done. The best thing that we can do is cheer on the DDO team working on this.
Here here!!
But if turbine didn't have many, or any, VIP subscribers they would either have to go broke or put ads in the game. Plus they Invited VIP players to join the party. So it's not just the fact that it wont let people on, its that they invited them to join. Plus there was a person (dont remember who) who has the expansion but has not been able to get on over the past times the server has been up.
Umm Hi!This is my signature. If you don't like it I love you! Welp thanks for taking the time to read this!
Hi, I know that no news is no news, but it would make me personally feel better if a dev could post even a still working on it message every so often. It has been over a day since the last update. We were warned we might not get this resolved until Monday, but I'm not sure Lamannia is even going to be open during the week. Please give us some sign of your thoughts on whats going on and plans for the future.