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  1. #1
    Community Member p4ined_one's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Default LF active raiding/20+ content/TR'ing guild on khyber

    A duo 25 rogue/25 cleric are seeking an active guild that actually does what it says. That simple. We've been playing for 2+ years, subscribe to VIP as it is cheaper and better than cable. We have been in several guilds thus far, but guild after guild is full of nothing but talk. A single guild raid a MONTH is the best we've found, and that was shroud. After the last bout of forming a guild with big talking friends who never came through we took a break, and are currently playing gimped (they can only solo up to EH) toons waiting for the august 19th update (and hopefully free LR's).

    Instead of being alone in a crowd (in a guild that is full of strangers in cliques and/or only recruits brand new players leveling slowly), we've been holding out for a static group or guild with regular players of epic content/raids that prefer to include guildies instead of pugging it all.

    Simply put, we are working multiple toons to round out our stable, while farming for their gear. We don't die... but we're hardly EE material yet, as some lives need to be attained. We just want to put our combined 150k+/mo guild renown to use for a group that realizes working together brings all parties more benefit.

    If you're concerned due to the lack of an "entity" here on the forums.... those who know themselves avoid casting dispersion, and we have little opinion that is contrary enough to state, although we are active readers.

    If you're looking for active players that seek to be part of a group, and minimize all BS, send a message and try grouping with us.
    Last edited by p4ined_one; 07-31-2013 at 02:38 PM.

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