They mine em so that the players buy them with Turbine Points, where did you think astral shards came from.
They mine em so that the players buy them with Turbine Points, where did you think astral shards came from.
the crystal shinies are really a cover to hide the fact that they are mining a larger waterworks.
Why do the kobolds mine for crystals in Crystal Cove?
They are secretly producing Crystal Skulls to market as ancient Mayan artifacts for occult shops!
Yip, Kobold Want Dragonshards because they are Shards of Dragons! Yark, and Kobolds want to Grow up to be Dragon! Yip, Then Kobold-Dragon get revenge on smelly Adventurers!!!!
Main Forum Account Status: Being Fixed!
Kobolds collect crystals to make them into soup or pretty outfits (according to my daughter).
Why do kobold mine...ahhh, that EASY! Yark yark yipYARK! Every kobold know that!
Thumbed_Servant (to my cats ) I LOVE playing a healer (nannybot to the derisive folks)
Leader: Order of Sunlit Rose on Argonnessen server
Current active toons: Muhther....going through the Passed Lives grind at my own pace...currently lvl 28
Cove crystals are the only currency accepted by Fresh Rat vendors.
Ascent, Argonnessen ~ Cleatus Yogurthawker | Isostatic Rebound | Mohorovicic Discontinuity | Angular Unconformity
Ghalanda ~ Feldspathic Greywacke
Ever notice how most light sources in Stormreach and it's surrounding environs are glowing crystals? Ever wonder where those come from?
Yep, the Kobolds already own Waterworks, and are now making a play on the Electric Company. Making a monopoly, if you will...
Kobold may not be mule, but kobold sure is pack rat.
Why do the kobolds mine for crystals in Crystal Cove?
So glad you ask! You see, kobolds mine for crystals for most important reason! Kobolds have deep and meaningful culture having to do with shinies. At least that what shaman say!
You see, we take crystals back to home nest. Kobolds carefully lay crystals we steal...err, find...around the eggs the den mother lays. Every little kobold sees the sparkles and shinies even before they leave the egg!
The home nest is so sparkly and pretty! When the little kobold babes are big enough and strong enough, they break through their shells to get to the sparkles.
Trust me! Most cutest kobolds you ever see are little kobold babies. Shinies is their first word.
So you see, kobolds mine for shinies because they remind us of of our kobold babes. Is nothing more precious than the little ones.
Oh, and plus, den mother say that we no mine, then we not eat. Kobold like full bellies, too. That pretty important reason.
Because Kobold Rich Long time !!
and Kobold family eat fresh rat tonight !
While kobolds have a love of shiny things, none but the bravest dare keep the dragonshards they extract. A mind flayer requires green dragonshard residuum for undisclosed purposes and has "recruited" hordes of kobolds in order to get it. Since these shards are often used to make powerful items perhaps this illithid is doing something similar?
Interestingly mining operations happen periodically rather than persistently, however the reason for this is unclear. Perhaps the dragonshards are used to fuel an arcane or psionic contraption and more fuel is sought when supplies run low? Maybe vast amounts are used in special rituals at specific times?
Cause the shiny little crystals are so cool!
and well...
big mama dragon wants them.
There is an old Kobold saying going like this:
"A crystal a day keeps the smells away"
Obviously they use the crystal shards they mine as a kind of soap.
(And that explains why kobolds are almost as dirty as ogres)
Because mine is his favorite pastime, like watching tv in the reflecting crystal facets
Some people say a kobold is made outta mud.
A poor kobold's made outta muscle and blood.
Dragon's blood, and skin and bones,
A mind that's a-weak and a back that's strong.
You mine sixteen tons, and what do you get?
Another day older, and deeper in debt.
Silver Flame don't ya call me, 'cause I can't go,
I owe my soul to the DDO Store.
Because the alternative is the Waterworks...and we all know how that works out for 'em.
Why wouldn't the kobolds mine for crystals?! They're so pretty!