Since the new update i have been having a shutdown issue with DDO. When I start up the game the client comes up as normal and it takes me all the way to the character picking screen normally. When i pick my toon and start the game it goes to a loading screen and a progress bar shows up below it as normal. The issue i have is that nothing ever loads, then the whole game crashes and an error is generated and sent to microsoft. The details say that it has to do with the client itself. I have also noticed that when i call up the process task manager i have well over 10 or more instances of something called awesomonium.exe popping up all using system resources like a bandit at a bank. When i receive the error it give me an option to debug which i took and it fails to run also. I have tried to copy what the tech report says but it won't let me copy/paste the message. This has been happening for 2 days now, and i have tried reinstalling the game 7 times , reinstalling the video, and sound drivers, reinstalling directx 9 since i run xp and not windows 7 or 8, and nothing has changed. I have tried other games and they all seem to run just as good as they have before, and the problem seems restricted to DDO. I have bought all the packs available and would love to try the new pack but it seems that i will never be able to play DDO again since no mention of this bug has been posted and nobody seems to be fixing it. I sure hope i didn't spend all this money just to be upgraded out of my game.