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  1. #21
    Community Member
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    Jul 2013

    Angry Crystal Cove Sucks

    Why do you keep bringing back the sundried turd known as Crystal Cove. The loot was mediocre at best when it came out. Now it's not even good. Make these stupid events 1 time and 1 time ONLY. Or maybe release the expansion we paid for 2 MONTHS ago. Quit wasting man hours on garbage. You've already run off 30% of your business.

  2. #22
    Community Member Thumbed_Servant's Avatar
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    Default Very Sudden and the Festival of the Traveler egg hunt

    Would it be too much to ask for an announcement coming of special events, such as the Crystal Cove, at least 1 week in advance?

    Where did the Festival of the Traveler go? Usually it is in the spring, near the christian Easter holiday. It shouldn't be hard to bring that out, it's innocuous level variable gear, simple random loot for running a short marathon through the marketplace?
    Thumbed_Servant (to my cats ) I LOVE playing a healer (nannybot to the derisive folks)
    Leader: Order of Sunlit Rose on Argonnessen server
    Current active toons: Muhther....going through the Passed Lives grind at my own pace...currently lvl 28

  3. #23
    Hatchery Hero BOgre's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thumbed_Servant View Post
    Would it be too much to ask for an announcement coming of special events, such as the Crystal Cove, at least 1 week in advance?

    Where did the Festival of the Traveler go? Usually it is in the spring, near the christian Easter holiday. It shouldn't be hard to bring that out, it's innocuous level variable gear, simple random loot for running a short marathon through the marketplace?
    If only there was a Calendar page on these forums....

  4. #24
    Community Member Thumbed_Servant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BOgre View Post
    If only there was a Calendar page on these forums....
    If only events from Turbine were posted to it......
    Thumbed_Servant (to my cats ) I LOVE playing a healer (nannybot to the derisive folks)
    Leader: Order of Sunlit Rose on Argonnessen server
    Current active toons: Muhther....going through the Passed Lives grind at my own pace...currently lvl 28

  5. #25
    Founder Firepants's Avatar
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    Please turn off Crystal Cove. 1. It's stupid (pirate themed anything is lame and I know this is a subjective opinion but it is the correct one) 2. The loot is trash at this point 3. It ALWAYS screws the game people actually want to play up (no groups, loads of server side 'lag', etc.)

    Sure, some people might say something but most likely, if you never ever ran this horrid joke of a bonus zone, nobody would really care.

  6. #26
    Community Member ChaosEmperorDragon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Firepants View Post
    Please turn off Crystal Cove. 1. It's stupid (pirate themed anything is lame and I know this is a subjective opinion but it is the correct one) 2. The loot is trash at this point 3. It ALWAYS screws the game people actually want to play up (no groups, loads of server side 'lag', etc.)

    Sure, some people might say something but most likely, if you never ever ran this horrid joke of a bonus zone, nobody would really care.
    I'd say spoken like a true nine year old but that would be an insult to my son, who would never espouse such drivel. Instead I'll just hit you with You Mad Bro? Do you even lift? #YOLO #SWAG #****..
    Katavina Leagond - Cannith

  7. #27
    Community Member LilyOphelia's Avatar
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    I'm very grateful that Crystal Cove is running again! I actually have a number of items I'd like to farm from there, and I've been having a blast running it. This is my first time experiencing the festival, and it's cute and fun. Thank you again for it! ^^

    I do wish it had been scheduled, so I could have been at level 20+ for the event; we just TRed and we're back at 10, but I think we'll be able to make it to 20 before the 11th.

    As far as the scheduling goes, my (completely made up) belief is that someone asked if we could have the event again, and they just decided to activate on a whim before the expansion was set to go live.

    Also, at least on Argo, there are katons of people running Crystal Cove, so I think I'm not the only one who's into the event. :P

  8. #28

    Default I like the Cove

    This is a fun event, with some really nice gear for those of us not twinked out. My static group has been waiting for its return. Thanks, Turbine .

  9. #29
    Hatchery Hero BOgre's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thumbed_Servant View Post
    If only events from Turbine were posted to it......
    Yeah, I know. I had a convo with a yellowname in a thread here shortly after the forum update regarding the calendar. This particular yellowname claimed that getting the Calendar working was on a list. The devs do have access to post to it, but they never do, so of course no one reads it, so it's as good as useless. If we had access to our server calendars again, that might be a start to getting back in use, but it's a forum fix, and there doesn't seem to be any urgency in getting the forums fixed....

  10. #30
    Community Member Zillee's Avatar
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    Just wanted to say that I'm enjoying the Cove event. Having restarted on Wayfinder with new toons, they need gearing up and I'm having fun so far. I thought the challenge would be slow to open with the low population on wayfinder, but I've managed to time it right so far getting into the challenge part four times in an evening and with good PuGs. Better than I expected!

    Also I missed the event last time it ran and hadn't realised that it now gave guild renown, which is fab


  11. #31
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    Default The cove ain't all bad

    OK- maybe just for 20 and under. But it's free. I hate that it slows things down, but then it IS free. That said, I'm sure I've 500$ + on various aspects so hopefully that will help keep the lights on

  12. #32
    Founder Firepants's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChaosEmperorDragon View Post
    I'd say spoken like a true nine year old but that would be an insult to my son, who would never espouse such drivel. Instead I'll just hit you with You Mad Bro? Do you even lift? #YOLO #SWAG #****..
    You need to start taking your meds again, brah.

  13. #33
    Community Member punisher032's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    I am glad CC is back. I have ran this event about every time it comes out. Personally, I think it is good to run a few times a year. For the new people coming to DDO that have never ran it and would like to get some good gear at level. I also have met up with some great people that are fun to run with. Thank you Turbine for bring CC back.

  14. #34
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    I've never played the Crystal Cove before --- was absent -- but I'll get some play time in during this session. Is there anything really useful I should put substantial effort into getting on my TR character?
    Thelanis: Ikeren, Paladin 7. Dylas --- Cleric 21.

  15. #35
    Community Member FestusHood's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CE2JRH123 View Post
    I've never played the Crystal Cove before --- was absent -- but I'll get some play time in during this session. Is there anything really useful I should put substantial effort into getting on my TR character?
    All of the trinkets are good. The hats are good. The spyglass is great for characters that do trapping. The brawling gloves are good for monks, and i guess, druids. Or anybody that wants to add sneak attack.

    There is some other good stuff too. The cavalry plate armor is quite good if you don't have top end stuff. The buccaneer ring. The shield is pretty nice. Lots of stuff.

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