With so many new class and racial abilities and spells being added to DDO, now is the time to address the issue of EE monster saves.
Since i primarily play EE content, every cool new ability you have added in the enhancement pass that has a save i instantly skip over, as I know it will never work in EE, even if I put every stat point, level up, +5 time, ED stat, 3 ED twisted stats, my epic feats as stats etc. into the ability (getting a save DC in the low to mid 50s) will NOT be high enough to work on mobs in EE. Do you see how absolutely ridiculous that is?
EE is supposed to be challenging, and the massive monster health and damage they deal makes it so. But making preety much all (with few exceptions) meele abilities not function is just silly, and cheapens the combat experience. Thus we have seen the rise of shiradi and FoW knockdown as players gravitate to abilities that have no save, as they are they only ones that work.
This issue really needs to be addressed.