Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players
Community Member
Aye they are tougher than the average but this was Tracker's Trap not What Goes Up.
The only reason I even attempted to solo this was I'd hit up a group that had just completed it and moved on to Lines of Supply - I did Lines, Ranks and Ice with that group then as I'd already completed What Goes Up EE the previous day with another group this was the only one I still had to do and I didn't think it fair to open up an LFM for just the one quest in a chain.
Disco Ball and Evards for the first fight, Invissed to the next required kill point then cleared to the boss fight from there.
Didn't bother attempting opts.
Boss fight was chain to pull orcs and shadar-kai a few at a time then Burst/Blast to finish em off, basic bolt for smashing orbs and beating down boss/pseudo dragon. The boss did stack up Niacs {or was it Eladars} on me a couple times and I had to constantly move behind a rock to heal up and lose the stack - I went through maybe 20 Heal Scrolls so it wasn't too bad.
The Giant was a case of switch to basic bolt and kite him around for 5-10 minutes.
The achievement forum is getting amazing, mechs solo'ing raids and fran solo'ing old quests with a warlock.
My bad and I apologize.
I did not mean to post in Achievements, my bad. Would not comment on that at all in an "achievement" subforum, but I did only because I failed and saw it in general, I guess, and mis-posted. I take full blame for that, and I am embarrassed for my failure.
Achievement forum should be reserved for serious sick hardcore achievements.
Now I only have 11 characters on Sarlona.
Love Live Eternal Faith ~Sarlonian 4 lyfe~
I'm currently levelling up my Sarlona TRs but Cannith will always be my main server.
The 5 Characters I deleted were all 1st lifers lvl 15 or lower.
And my current numbers are:
Cannith 30
Sarlona 11 {4 3rd Lifers, 4 2nd Lifers}
Khyber 7 {3 2nd Lifers}
Argo 4 {1 2nd Lifer}
G-Land 3
Orien 2
Thelanis 2
Wayfinder 1
This is not counting low level alts created to help others level up or Mules or alt account characters created just to get to 6 accounts in Guild.
Last edited by FranOhmsford; 02-10-2017 at 10:53 AM.
and there i am ..thinking that i am already spending too much time with ddo. one active third life and 2 first life on thelanis.
for how long have you been playing man?
Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players
- Abrillios elf 11rog, 1st life (my biggest mistake to date, I havent deleted her yet because of how much time I wasted on her)
- Gygaxian drow 1rog/2wis, 1st life (ok.)
- Xiriphael human 1barb/5cleric (op. My other 2 chars need hirelings all the time and Xi just blitzes through any quest without major traps.)