Bankston has gained a rank and is now level 7 rank 3.
what is this
Lieuk's E-TRd for the second time and is now back at Lvl 22 {still 1st Life}.
Martial 1xFortitude
Primal 1xFast Healing.
Last edited by FranOhmsford; 10-10-2014 at 08:49 PM.
Ok, what is this thread and why is it even here in general discussion?
It belongs in the classes, server, or off topic subforum......or somewhere other then here.
Why would any of the rest of us care about your character progression twitter feed? It does not relate to general discussion of the game.
Thelanis - Green Mtn Boys - Level 200
Community Member
Community Member
Enochpagett is now Lvl 8 on his 5th Life {Druid}.
Franohmsford of Cannith PDK Vanguard Fighter/Paladin 18/2 is now Lvl 20.
Community Member
Community Member
Curleag Greenleaf of Sarlona has become my first Legend outside Cannith.
1st Life - Ranger/Cleric/Barb {On Argo}
2nd Life - Pure Druid
3rd Life - Barb 2 currently
Jelina Athenis of Cannith today TRd for the second time.
1st Life: Battle Cleric 25 {Clr 17 / Ftr 3}
2nd Life: Pure Cleric 26
3rd Life: Paladin 1 Currently
Exalted Angel - Maxed
Divine Crusader - Maxed
Unyielding Sentinel - Maxed
Grandmaster of Flowers - Rank 0
Keltenn of Sarlona started his 3rd Life tonight.
1st Life: HotD pre MotU
2nd Life: Paladin 12 / Cleric 7 / Ftr 1
3rd Life: Cleric 1 / Paladin 1 Currently - Aiming for 13 Cleric / 5/6 Paladin / 1/2 Ftr.
This is not the general forum though! Its the achievement forum. Some people feel completing running with the devils is an achievement. Others feel attaining the highest damage is an achievement. I guess the OP feels eating a heart of wood and rerolling to be an achievement. I dont quite get this post either but each to their own.
this tread is basically 1 person ddodiary, nothig to do with achivemnt in here, agree with others, this shold be on offtopic or some other category
Last edited by nolifer1; 11-12-2014 at 09:15 AM.
kokaisa dc caster. .agrippe ranged. farim-1 monk. meatmountain full hate tank.boltergaist arti(retired pileon)
RENOWNED in thelanis
Thelanis - Ethforged - Etherar - Fjirty --- Mitis Mors
Ghallanda - Ethrayne - Ethryne --- Omnipresence
Youtube channel:
This thread was moved to the achievements forums by CORDOVAN!
I DON'T consider my levelling to be an achievement at all!
I however have been keeping this thread up to date so as all the people who clearly dislike me can easily avoid me in-game!
To the person who suggested this thread should be in Off-Topic - How exactly is specific info about our characters in-game OFF Bleedin' Topic!?
[QUOTE=FranOhmsford;5472825]I however have been keeping this thread up to date so as all the people who clearly dislike me can easily avoid me in-game!QUOTE]
u must have lot of haters lol
kokaisa dc caster. .agrippe ranged. farim-1 monk. meatmountain full hate tank.boltergaist arti(retired pileon)
RENOWNED in thelanis
Keltenn of Sarlona finally has a Surname.
He is now Keltenn Kaltenson of Sarlona
He's also taken Lvl 7 on his 3rd Life tonight {Clr 5 / Pal 2}
Latest 1st Lifer to hit 20
Annatalisa D'Alderaan of Cannith {Stalwart Fighter 17 / Bard 3}