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  1. #1
    Community Member Ragnarnessaja's Avatar
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    Default Please help me choose a Green Steel item.

    Hello everyone. I am a returning player who has never been up at the upper end of content before. I have no experience with the Vale or the Shroud and so Green Steel items are a mystery to me.

    What I need help with is selecting the one Green Steel item I want to build and take with me for my next life. My main is a level 18 Wizard. I will be TRing in the next few days into a Favored Soul. I would appreciate any and all advice on what GS item you guys think I should make.

    THank you and I hope to hear from you.

    The build idea can be found here:

    However, since it will only be a second life, the build had to be tweaked. I asked the author of the build how he would do it and so I will be going with this route:

    If you have Half-Elf I would go that race instead of Human and choose Fighter Dille. If you don't then as a human choose one weapon as a martial prof. For leveling up go with Falchions, then swap to Greataxe or Greatsword when you get either ESOS or EGA.

    For Stats, I would drop Con by one point.

    Str) 17 , Dex) 8 , Con) 14 , Int) 8 , Wis) 17 , Cha) 10

    All level ups into Wis. It can be a bit tricky leveling with a low Cha but after the first few levels when you can wear a higher + cha item it's no problem. If you get your hands on a +2 BTA Cha item with no ML it will help during the lowbie levels.

    For Feats, I would select wiz pl over heighten. Your BB's will be two DC lower (not a big deal) but your Implosion will be one DC higher. And without any additional spell point cost.

    human) Toughness
    1) Maximize
    3) *Martial Weapon Prof*
    6) PL: Wiz
    9) Empower
    12) Quicken
    15) IC: Slash
    18) Power Attack

    If you take this into Epic levels you chould choose Evocation Feats as your epic feats to allow you to do some destiny twisting to increase your Evo DC by a bit.

  2. #2
    Community Member Franke's Avatar
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    You might want to consider a pair of concordant opposition goggles if you have the correct number of shards and ingredients.

    NE Blindness Immunity, Disease Immunity
    PO +50 spell points, +2 Charisma Skills, +6 Wisdom, +10 Diplomacy, +10 haggle
    ST +100 Spell Points, +3 Charisma Skills - Concordant Opposition, When attacked chance to gain hit points or spell points.

    There's a great Guide to be found here to aid in your understanding and crafting.

  3. #3
    Community Member Ragnarnessaja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Franke View Post
    You might want to consider a pair of concordant opposition goggles if you have the correct number of shards and ingredients.

    NE Blindness Immunity, Disease Immunity
    PO +50 spell points, +2 Charisma Skills, +6 Wisdom, +10 Diplomacy, +10 haggle
    ST +100 Spell Points, +3 Charisma Skills - Concordant Opposition, When attacked chance to gain hit points or spell points.

    There's a great Guide to be found here to aid in your understanding and crafting.
    The ST ones look very, very useful.

    I have 8 Large Devil scales that I've already bought and I don't mind farming up the rest. I'm just trying to get the most 'bang for my buck' on one item. And honestly those goggles look pretty hard to beat. I will also check out that link.

    Does anyone else have a suggestion? This wont be my final life, so utility for more than one life would be a bonus I think, but I am very tempted to make a Min II greatsword as well as an accessory to avoid the tainted thing, and be able to not worry about another weapon all the way to the next life.

  4. #4
    Community Member Franke's Avatar
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    That list is of abilities is one set of goggles not three, but its a dual shard recipe and will take quite a few ingredients to create. Greensteel weapons are pretty much outdated now but fine as leveling twink gear, bear in mind a min II is a dual shard item and as such will take a lot of ingredients too.

  5. #5
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by Franke View Post
    You might want to consider a pair of concordant opposition goggles if you have the correct number of shards and ingredients.

    NE Blindness Immunity, Disease Immunity
    PO +50 spell points, +2 Charisma Skills, +6 Wisdom, +10 Diplomacy, +10 haggle
    ST +100 Spell Points, +3 Charisma Skills - Concordant Opposition, When attacked chance to gain hit points or spell points.

    There's a great Guide to be found here to aid in your understanding and crafting.
    Minor nit pick it's not disease immunity anymore (which doesn't exist now) it +6 to saves versus disease.

  6. #6
    Community Member Ragnarnessaja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Franke View Post
    That list is of abilities is one set of goggles not three, but its a dual shard recipe and will take quite a few ingredients to create. Greensteel weapons are pretty much outdated now but fine as leveling twink gear, bear in mind a min II is a dual shard item and as such will take a lot of ingredients too.
    That's ONE item? Well. I think those are going to win then. Now I have a goal, so thank you.

    As far as a Min II weapon, I'll look into how much time it may take to farm and make a decision. It would have the value of doing as an all purpose weapon for both the FvS life and the other Melee lives I plan on taking, since my ultimate goal is a build with Completionist in it.

    In any event, you guys have been very helpful. Thank you.

  7. #7
    Forum Turtle
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    I can only speak for myself and my playstyle, but I tend to have 3 gs for my favored soul, and pick whichever you like.

    1) Concordant opposition item. +600 mana (+300 if you tr into a cleric or wiz, 600 if you go sorc), +6 wis, +10 haggle, diplo, and bluff (or some three skills, I'm pretty sure those are the three though, but feel free to laugh at me if I get it wrong!), and a chance to regen spell points hwen you get hit. Particularly useful emergency regen: Throw up a shield and block while archer are bonking you or a melee is smacking you around for a while. It's not super fast, but if the quest has gone that wrong anyway it's a good tactic to get some working mana back.

    2) Hit point item. +45 hp means you are sturdier to keep others alive, and can keep healing longer. There are a variety of side benefits you can put on this, consult a crafter to poke around and see what you'd like.

    3) Off hand +9 charisma weapon. Not so endame useful now with the amaunator set out there, but REALLY nice for tr twink gear since you can use gs weapons at 11. And who doens't love more mana from their prime state while leveling? Also this is pretty easy to make using the 'positive' enhancements, so gave me an emergency res without mana in case things went really wrong. In my first life it helped more than once. LOL
    Turtel, Turtley Wrath, Tortoisse, Waterssong, Victerr Creed, Utahraptor, Velocaraptor, Minddancer, Loggerhead, Matamata, Sulcata, Ticerratops, Sierrann, Hankx, Shartelhane

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  8. #8
    Community Member Lord-Of-The-Games's Avatar
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    I Would go with green steel goggles [Great Commander Green Steel Goggles of Wizardry VI - spell points and charisma skills. WizardryVI - Positive Energy affinity -Charisma exceptional bonus +2 -Elemental power +50 - True Resurrection Once a day

  9. #9
    The Hatchery Wipey's Avatar
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    Maybe it's not true anymore or won't be in a month when we get change on skill bonuses stacking, but I remember asking the same and hp con-opp goggles was the usual answer as first GS for any blue bar.
    And it's been serving me well on 3 cleric/ 2 fvs/ 3 wizzy/2 sorc lives.
    With triple air gloves.
    But you can get nice combos with con opp, mineral, air, smoke on any slot except neck ( Torc ).

    9 wisdom casting stick is okay at lvl 12 to be even more overpowered but charisma makes little sense to me TrinityTurtle.
    But at least you can use it on sorc lives before Tod rings I suppose.

    Shahang (hjealme), Wipekin (kotc), Nezhat (barbie) Ghallanda/Devourer

  10. #10
    Forum Turtle
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    Quote Originally Posted by Encair View Post
    9 wisdom casting stick is okay at lvl 12 to be even more overpowered but charisma makes little sense to me TrinityTurtle.
    But at least you can use it on sorc lives before Tod rings I suppose.
    Favored soul mana pools fire off their cha. And if you don't pug heal, maybe you don't need it, but for those of us who don't mind healing pug groups we find we need large pools of mana, especially if we're using our level stats to pump wisdom for later dc's, that cha stick improves that spell pool considerable around level 12.
    Turtel, Turtley Wrath, Tortoisse, Waterssong, Victerr Creed, Utahraptor, Velocaraptor, Minddancer, Loggerhead, Matamata, Sulcata, Ticerratops, Sierrann, Hankx, Shartelhane

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  11. #11
    The Hatchery Wipey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TrinityTurtle View Post
    improves that spell pool considerable around level 12.
    Assuming ~ 10-12 starting charisma, 3 tome, 2 ship, 6 item, that extra 2 charisma brackets will give you 20- 30 more sp in heroics, which you get back from one Torc, con opp proc.
    2 more DC saves you hundreds spell points ( That destructed caster wouldn't cast comet/bb/disintegrate while dead, or that ogre/troll company WILL stay on their asses so noone from your party will take triple ogre combo to face and you wouldn't have to hjeal them. But that's for another thread.

    Shahang (hjealme), Wipekin (kotc), Nezhat (barbie) Ghallanda/Devourer

  12. #12
    Forum Turtle
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    Quote Originally Posted by Encair View Post
    Assuming ~ 10-12 starting charisma, 3 tome, 2 ship, 6 item, that extra 2 charisma brackets will give you 20- 30 more sp in heroics, which you get back from one Torc, con opp proc.
    2 more DC saves you hundreds spell points ( That destructed caster wouldn't cast comet/bb/disintegrate while dead, or that ogre/troll company WILL stay on their asses so noone from your party will take triple ogre combo to face and you wouldn't have to hjeal them. But that's for another thread.
    Thisis a playstyle issue, not a gear one. For your style, the +9 wis stick is better. For mine, it's the cha stick. We can both gear appropriately for our chosen paths and be happy.
    Turtel, Turtley Wrath, Tortoisse, Waterssong, Victerr Creed, Utahraptor, Velocaraptor, Minddancer, Loggerhead, Matamata, Sulcata, Ticerratops, Sierrann, Hankx, Shartelhane

    Member of Highlords of Malkier! Help channel, everyone welcome in this channel!

  13. #13
    Mmm... purple!
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    +45 HP con-op goggles. Everybody needs HPs, and you want a HP item on all the time, just like a con-op. Your SP item you can wear while shrining and then swap out after buffing.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Franke View Post
    You might want to consider a pair of concordant opposition goggles if you have the correct number of shards and ingredients.

    NE Blindness Immunity, Disease Immunity
    PO +50 spell points, +2 Charisma Skills, +6 Wisdom, +10 Diplomacy, +10 haggle
    ST +100 Spell Points, +3 Charisma Skills - Concordant Opposition, When attacked chance to gain hit points or spell points.

    There's a great Guide to be found here to aid in your understanding and crafting.
    This one would probably be my highest priority, though I think before I TR'd my caster I took almost every suggestion that's been listed above, so I can't argue any of them (+9 cha stick, +45hp min II clothing item, con-ops goggles).

    If you plan to melee and want GS weapon, I would go Lit II falchion. Lit II is better than min II in most situations, and falchion is best crit profile at heroic levels (excluding Khopesh, but you don't want that on this toon most likely).

    Here's a few good links for you for your TR:

    Greensteel crafting:

    Cannith crafting (i use mostly crafted items when TRing, can also be used for GS and puzzle solvers):

    TR checklist:

    Quests by level and XP:

    My level 1 list usually looks something like this:
    goggles of detect secret doors (functions always, no clicky)
    armor/robe of invulnerability
    screaming + bleeding weapon
    holy blunt weapon for skellies (add acid/everbright later for oozes)
    cloak of feather falling & +2 reflex
    hat of enchantment resist +5

    Any thing else is frosting.

  15. #15
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    I have made 2 items. The first is a con op-150SP cloak I use until level 20, The second is Min2 goggles with Heavy fort, 25HP and 100SP. This gives me heavy fort because I use PDK helm at 20 and the hp/sp go hand in hand with War Wizards Bracers. I also use a Vital cloak with colorless slot and exceptioanal Charisma slotted until Ghost walking cloak.
    5th Life Human Paladin - Sorrowanddoo
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    3rd Life Human Fighter - Sorrowandai

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