Have :
8 Con Prowess Trinket
8 Int Subterfuge Trinket
8 Dex Subterfuge Trinket
EE Gloves of Forgotten Craft
EE Mountain Fist
EE Allegiance
EE Copper Ingot Arcanum
EE Silver Ingot Arcanum
EH Aquatic Bracers
Seal of Dun Robar - +2 Insight Str 4 Dodge 10 Vertigo
Seal of Dun Robar - +2 Insight con 4 Dodge 10 Shatter
Pale Green Ioun Stone
+4 int tome
+3 Tomes (excluding str)
Drow Longsword with 10 Stun
Flawless Dragonscales (all colours)
Mountain of plat
PM or send tell to Bitzie/Xart/Bitzzing/Bitzz