I'm a long time daily player looking for a Raid ready guild, or at least one actively pursuing Raid readiness. I have access to a lvl 65 boat, so I'm not trying to game some high level buffs. I want my play time to lead somewhere, and the solo gig is getting old. I have 4 multiple TR toons (one Completionist) so I've got gear as well, though my lack of Raid time means I don't have all of the latest and greatest shinies. I'm really just hoping to find a mature guild with some consistent groups in the evenings Central Standard Time (times are more flexible on the weekends.)
I'm checking the recruiting threads pretty much daily, so you can drop a reply or PM if you like. In game, I'll probably be running my alts Avengix and Azzault for the next few days so you can drop a message or hit me up for a group.