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  1. #1
    Community Member Lanhelin's Avatar
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    May 2013

    Default Question about Resist Energy and Protection from Energy

    When I buff a player with both Resist Energy and Protection from Energy, how is the taken elemental damage calculated?

    Will the whole unreduced damage be absorped first until PfE is gone or will the damage be reduced first and only the remnant be absorped? Or does it depend on the order of the buffs? And how are additional potions or items calculated? Do they stack or something else? And is there a spell or charged item that can cast RE mass (as the level 7 PfE mass spell)?

    Alas the ddowiki is not precise about this.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Lanhelin View Post
    When I buff a player with both Resist Energy and Protection from Energy, how is the taken elemental damage calculated?

    Will the whole unreduced damage be absorped first until PfE is gone or will the damage be reduced first and only the remnant be absorped? Or does it depend on the order of the buffs? And how are additional potions or items calculated? Do they stack or something else? And is there a spell or charged item that can cast RE mass (as the level 7 PfE mass spell)?

    Alas the ddowiki is not precise about this.
    The damage is reduced by Protection from Energy first. Once that is gone Resist kicks in. Additional potions and items do not stack, they override (resist 30 overrides resist 20) or replace (casting protection again replaces the old one if higher). Mass Resist does not exist in DDO.

  3. #3
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Prot. from Energy is applied first; if any dmg remains once it's exhausted, Resist Energy is applied. Since Prot. caps at 120 pts and Resist Energy caps at 30, that's a max of 150 pts of dmg absorbed per hit. There are items with resist 40, but they don't stack with the spell. Inherent energy resistance is a competence bonus, so it will stack with Resist Energy; e.g., eTemplar's Bulwark.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  4. #4
    Community Member Lanhelin's Avatar
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    Thank you for your answers. So Protection from Energy seems to be quite weak compaired to Resist Energy. It lasts for about one to two hostile spell/trap attacks and then it's gone. There should be a synergy between the two spells or would this be op?

  5. #5
    Community Member gDra's Avatar
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    Protection from Energy can be useful when you have to walk through a trap. In that case Protection gives you a bigger buffer than Resist alone.

    But you are right, Resist Energy is more important in most cases.
    NedrilFavored Soul . GidraMonkcher . LambalorBard . Cannith

  6. #6
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Resist Energy provides you more protection in the long run, in the sense that there's no limit to how many effects it can absorb; but as stated it maxes out at 30 for the spell, 40 for items. The higher you level, the more things you'll run into which can do way more elemental dmg than that; in those cases, having both Resist & Prot. may be the difference between surviving and going for a backpack ride.

    Forgot to mention there are also elemental absorption items, which is applied after prot. & resist. Unlike resist & prot., though, different values of absorption will stack multiplicatively, but like values will not.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  7. #7
    Community Member Lanhelin's Avatar
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    Thanks to all again for your replies. There is another question I have: Is it possible that Resist Energy crits? Because yesterday I walked through a fire trap and the combat log said that I resisted 36 pts damage, although I only had 20 pts Resistance. I was Level 9 and had no items equipped that would give me further resistances.

    I also made a screenshot (I play with the german client, so don't be surprised about the wired translation):

    As one can see, the message directly above the red framed 36 pt "crit" says, that Protection from Energy: Fire just was removed, so there was no more absorption when the "crit" happened.

    Or is this a bug or just another imprecise translation?

  8. #8
    Community Member gDra's Avatar
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    The message shows how much damage was prevented by Protection. (yes, the order of the messages seems backwards)

    You could call it a bug, that the damage prevented by Resist isn't shown when Protection worked. (even if both applied)
    NedrilFavored Soul . GidraMonkcher . LambalorBard . Cannith

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