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  1. #1
    Community Member sdrocky's Avatar
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    Default Wayfinder 10% xp bonus. now what can we do to help


    Well we did it. We got the DE removed and even world broadcasts are in English (sorry to my German friends for the last bit).

    Turbine have given us a 10% xp bonus to help entice others to play and stay here.

    What can we do to help?

    1. fill the AH with good loot at bargain prices that would still give you more than the vendor but way less than what is asked on other servers. Me i post it and just remove the 0 at the end as start price then just double that for buy out. most of my stuff is gone and I'm still making about the same if not slightly more plat. If it doesn't sell, vendor or destruct it anyway. No loss.

    2. At all quest entrances post a public LFM (I'm so guilty of not doing this. just to used to soloing on Wayfinder i guess) and if you don't, start please. i know this wont appeal to all. But if you don't care please do it.

    Other idea's and criticisms welcome.


    Hunters of Wayfinder

  2. #2
    Community Member Uidolon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sdrocky View Post

    Well we did it. We got the DE removed and even world broadcasts are in English (sorry to my German friends for the last bit).

    Turbine have given us a 10% xp bonus to help entice others to play and stay here.

    What can we do to help?

    1. fill the AH with good loot at bargain prices that would still give you more than the vendor but way less than what is asked on other servers. Me i post it and just remove the 0 at the end as start price then just double that for buy out. most of my stuff is gone and I'm still making about the same if not slightly more plat. If it doesn't sell, vendor or destruct it anyway. No loss.

    2. At all quest entrances post a public LFM (I'm so guilty of not doing this. just to used to soloing on Wayfinder i guess) and if you don't, start please. i know this wont appeal to all. But if you don't care please do it.

    Other idea's and criticisms welcome.


    Hunters of Wayfinder
    organization, and to be more exact channels i think are the most important to a small servers survival as it hits upon it biggest weakness the ability to find a party for a particualr quest.

    guilds cooperating in communal channels and channels for particular things like raids/tring/trade makes life more pleasant for all.

    dont play on wayfinder so could be wrong here but i assume inability to find a party is the biggest issue (not that isnt the case on several other servers also)

    how to keep new players who start to play on this server i would assume not being elistist would help but usually smaller servers are naturally good at this

  3. #3
    Community Member Zillee's Avatar
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    Sep 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by sdrocky View Post

    Well we did it. We got the DE removed and even world broadcasts are in English (sorry to my German friends for the last bit).

    Turbine have given us a 10% xp bonus to help entice others to play and stay here.

    What can we do to help?

    1. fill the AH with good loot at bargain prices that would still give you more than the vendor but way less than what is asked on other servers. Me i post it and just remove the 0 at the end as start price then just double that for buy out. most of my stuff is gone and I'm still making about the same if not slightly more plat. If it doesn't sell, vendor or destruct it anyway. No loss.

    2. At all quest entrances post a public LFM (I'm so guilty of not doing this. just to used to soloing on Wayfinder i guess) and if you don't, start please. i know this wont appeal to all. But if you don't care please do it.

    Other idea's and criticisms welcome.


    Hunters of Wayfinder
    Hey, I'm following the suggestions you've made and it's working out pretty good.

    Another suggestion for those who want to help grow the server - make sure you've always got a spare toon sat at level 3 or 4. When I'm not focusing on my main at a higher level I can break off to do some runs with new players at lower levels. When my spare toon tops out on xp after banking lvl 5, I delete and make a new one.

    As well as helping newbies by running with them and being available to answer questions about the game, I'm also getting nice regular favor for TPs.

  4. #4
    Community Member sdrocky's Avatar
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    Im also giving lowbie stuff and plat to newbies i run into in the harbour.

  5. #5
    Forum Turtle
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    DIsclosure: I'm on sarlona, and not likely to move as I've a large group of friends and toons and items that would be hard to replace. Especially the people. So take my thoughts with as many grains of salt as you like.

    Make a real effort to just welcome and befriend new players. We hemorrhage a lot more new players from this game on social issues than I think anyone wants to think about. I see it all the time, a new player asking questions in general and advice, and not one but several other players going out of their way to make them feel as unwelcome as possible. And then I don't see that new player around anymore no matter how hard I try to tell them we're not all like that. I can't really blame them either. We tend to dehumanize other people, forgetting there is a real live person on the other end of that computer with feelings that deserve simple human respect. And since you guys are the 'default' newbie server like Orien used to be, you have the chance to retain those people that I think the older servers have lost and develop a solid pool of players as they 'grow' in the game. I favor farm on your server sometimes, and you guys come across as genuinely decent, nice fold from what I have seen of you. That will go a long way.

    And people underestimate friendship sometimes. I still play DDO four years later because of the awesome friend group I built up. We quest together, but we can also get on teamspeak and just talk about our lives together, and they were awesome the year everything went south for me. Friends make the endless repetition that is inherent in EVERY MMO fun instead of feeling like work!

    I don't know if any of you guys want to, but on Orien when I was new veteran players from other servers who'd come over used to host various events for newbies, from game trivia to questing and slayer killing sprees that upped the fun and gave us new players access to people who'd played longer to ask questions as well as participate with. Some were announced on the forums and some in the general chat. It was a lot of fun and a great early gaming memory for my group, and winning that prize was awesome! Prizes ranged from a good weapon to a stack of healing pots or cure curse pots as well as advice on why having them to help ourselves was good.
    Turtel, Turtley Wrath, Tortoisse, Waterssong, Victerr Creed, Utahraptor, Velocaraptor, Minddancer, Loggerhead, Matamata, Sulcata, Ticerratops, Sierrann, Hankx, Shartelhane

    Member of Highlords of Malkier! Help channel, everyone welcome in this channel!

  6. #6
    Community Member Sarzor's Avatar
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    Best way to keep players is simply to have LFMs up at the levels they would be at (so figure under level 5-6).

    I primarily play on Orien, but I messed around a bit on Wayfinder a while back, and what I liked was that teamwork was kinda necessary. You weren't geared to the teeth by being able to find cheap stuff on the AH (one man's trash is a newbie's treasure) but neither was everyone else. It reminded me of when DDO didn't require one to be BYOH so much. That being said, I was low level, posted some LFMs, and noone joined. There were also no other LFMs up, at all, at any level range. I played for a little, until level 5 or so, and maybe 200 favor, but soloing on a weak toon wasn't really my cup of tea, so I left.

  7. #7
    Community Member Ykt's Avatar
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    I'd rather have people leave Wayfinder and come to Khyber

    Put this server out of its misery.

  8. #8
    Community Member Thorgi's Avatar
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    Over the last few weeks of being on the server I've found there is a fairly thriving community. . Its not as big as some of the other servers, but thats not really a problem. . We don't get the massive server lag :-) It would be good to see more people about, but don't slate the community that is growing!

  9. #9
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    Default Agreed

    After being away for a while and kind of overwhelmed by all the new stuff (the enhancement pass and the loot) I decided to start over anew on a server i had no toons on yet. Since i was used to running solo or with friends and since i always use quest loot instead of AH it wasn't really that hard for me to solo, that being said i noticed that there were allot less Lfm's up then i recall. Eventualy I got into one while being low level and met some awesome people who introduced me to their guild.

    My experience on this server is rather good to be honest, the people are nice and helpfull. Now when i heard this was the new recommended server for newbies, I thought of the same ideas as the OP. I've been putting up LFM's and dropping everything that i seem fairly usable for new players on the AH for a low/decent price.

    The only thing missing (as stated before in this thread) is active communication in chat, may this be general or trade or advice.
    All things said i agree fully with the ideas of the Op, if we could get more people on the server to do this (people you know, guildies etc) we could make this into a well balanced server with a stable community in game and on the forums.

    A few ideas of my own:
    - Tell your guildies to post in Ah en make Lfm's (or alts) for the new players and the veterans by stating it in guild message of the day.
    - We have to become more active in chat to be appealing to new players to talk back as well
    - Veteran players could organize events for new players with a small pricepool this could range from a +2ogre power bracers of dodge +1% with masterfull craftmanship to essences or just plain plat.

    Let's get Wayfinder Rolling together ^^

    Disclaimer: I know some of these ideas (if not all) have already been posted and by no means do i mean to make them my own, if this is offensive to anyone I sincerely appoligize
    Last edited by Ivaridan; 01-08-2014 at 05:51 AM.

  10. #10
    Founder xberto's Avatar
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    I started character on Wayfinder to see what all the fuss is about and farm a little favor/TP. WOW!!!!! that place is dead. That place is Sarlona in 2007!

    What can you do to help? Demand free server transfer passes for any character with over 400 favor. From my assessment, based of the 5 or so times I logged on to Wayfinder, is that DDO has one to may servers.

    Disclaimer: I do however, respect that many might like that kind of peace and quiet. If so, please go about your quiet life on Wayfinder.

    Are there lag issues on Wayfinder?
    Last edited by xberto; 01-21-2014 at 10:24 PM.

  11. #11
    Community Member Lanhelin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xberto View Post
    Are there lag issues on Wayfinder?

  12. #12
    Community Member kanordog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xberto View Post
    I do however, respect that many might like that kind of peace and quiet. If so, please go about your quiet life on Wayfinder.

    Are there lag issues on Wayfinder?
    I just moved here from Sarlona, that was a bit too crowded for me
    It's like playing on harder difficulty, one uses what can be found in quests, no AH workarounds...
    Sadly only occasional raid lfm's but this is unfortunately just about the same in Sarlona.

    Lags are rare like epic shards...
    Last edited by kanordog; 01-22-2014 at 06:38 PM.
    You nerfed my monks, throwers, dailies and alchemists.
    I hardly play anymore, found a better hobby.
    Thank You!

  13. #13
    Community Member Zillee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kanordog View Post
    I just moved here from Sarlona, that was a bit too crowded for me
    It's like playing on harder difficulty, one uses what can be found in quests, no AH workarounds...
    Sadly only occasional raid lfm's but this is unfortunately just about the same in Sarlona.

    Lags are rare like epic shards...
    I agree on the harder difficulty I tend to be very casual in terms of activity on wayfinder, but drop into it whenever I want something a little more challenging in the heroic content.

    My little guild is only at a level where the airship is useful for transporting around so there's no ship buffs worth speaking of, but I'm kinda liking the freedom of not feeling the need to dash back to the airship to rebuff. I've also not bothered to get any store bought tomes - so really looking forward to getting that 1750 favor

    As for the AH, well let's just say my main toon at lvl 15 is still wearing a con +4 item because I just can't bring myself to shell out 150k plat for a +6 con item! That's cool though. It's giving me the incentive to work on my crafting levels.

    Grouping is difficult. Lots of players around at the lvl 7 and below level who do put up lfms, but after that it gets tricky. Sometimes I'll put up a LFM but as I'm not VIP and so running normal difficulty I guess I assume most won't want to join in - and so often don't bother. I probably should as I'm likely just contributing to the state of few LFMs about by not doing so.

    All in all, playing on wayfinder has really shown me how reliant I am on gear, a cheaper and fuller AH and ship buffs over on Khyber. Currently working on the gianthold quests! Only got through madstone crater by the skin of my teeth on normal, and PoP (yes, PoP! >.< ) wasn't a cakewalk either.

    BUT I'm still having fun

    (and yes, not noticed any major lag)

  14. #14
    Community Member Bimbelbo's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by sdrocky View Post

    Well we did it. We got the DE removed and even world broadcasts are in English (sorry to my German friends for the last bit).

    Turbine have given us a 10% xp bonus to help entice others to play and stay here.

    What can we do to help?

    1. fill the AH with good loot at bargain prices that would still give you more than the vendor but way less than what is asked on other servers. Me i post it and just remove the 0 at the end as start price then just double that for buy out. most of my stuff is gone and I'm still making about the same if not slightly more plat. If it doesn't sell, vendor or destruct it anyway. No loss.

    2. At all quest entrances post a public LFM (I'm so guilty of not doing this. just to used to soloing on Wayfinder i guess) and if you don't, start please. i know this wont appeal to all. But if you don't care please do it.

    Other idea's and criticisms welcome.


    Hunters of Wayfinder
    I already noticed your cheap auctions! Since I can't craft +6 ability shards yet I still have problems to get basic gear at times - this surely helps!

    A few days ago thre were over a dozen lfms up - maybe a new record.

    I used to have Wayfinder as my secondary server and used it for testing new classes and preparing my characters there for an inevitable server merger. But by now I really like to play there some times, because every achievement weights double, it's harder to play there, with limited trade, limited openers and only very occassional raiding, and I like it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan
    People are absolutely working on it at the moment.

  15. #15
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    Me and a small group of freinds just started a couple weeks ago on this server because of the low pop and the fact that it will help us all learn the game w/o some one having us on their back on a 5th or 6th life.... we fromed our own tiny guild this week its only lvl 5 but its funand we enjoy it half of us are VIP so If any one needs an opener for any content lvl 1-10 let us know well open for you guild name is House Honeybadger .......cause honeybadgers dont give a sh$@ bonus points if you get the reference..... feel free to msg any of us in game if you wanna play some :-) but be warned all our toons are baby lvl 3-8s

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noleta View Post
    Me and a small group of freinds just started a couple weeks ago on this server because of the low pop and the fact that it will help us all learn the game w/o some one having us on their back on a 5th or 6th life.... we fromed our own tiny guild this week its only lvl 5 but its funand we enjoy it half of us are VIP so If any one needs an opener for any content lvl 1-10 let us know well open for you guild name is House Honeybadger .......cause honeybadgers dont give a sh$@ bonus points if you get the reference..... feel free to msg any of us in game if you wanna play some :-) but be warned all our toons are baby lvl 3-8s
    Hey there guys welcome to Wayfinder I hope you are still around and playing If you ever need anything just send me Hardness my wife Oohlahlah or any of our guildies a tell and we would be more than willing to lend a hand

    Hardness ~ Superiority Complex

  17. #17
    Community Member Manatha's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sdrocky View Post

    Well we did it. We got the DE removed and even world broadcasts are in English (sorry to my German friends for the last bit).

    Turbine have given us a 10% xp bonus to help entice others to play and stay here.

    What can we do to help?

    1. fill the AH with good loot at bargain prices that would still give you more than the vendor but way less than what is asked on other servers. Me i post it and just remove the 0 at the end as start price then just double that for buy out. most of my stuff is gone and I'm still making about the same if not slightly more plat. If it doesn't sell, vendor or destruct it anyway. No loss.

    2. At all quest entrances post a public LFM (I'm so guilty of not doing this. just to used to soloing on Wayfinder i guess) and if you don't, start please. i know this wont appeal to all. But if you don't care please do it.

    Other idea's and criticisms welcome.


    Hunters of Wayfinder
    Free transfers to for characters over say... 400 TP like one of the others said.

    Honestly, I could see diving into a new server with a low population on my main characters, but I couldnt see paying for the transfer(s).

    I have however made a few lowbie starting characters on wayfinder just for something off to do. I might not be a permanent fixture on the server, but I'm interested in looking at running a bit if I can find groups.

    My biggest issue I guess is seeing no lfms up, and I'm shy about starting them on my first life toons on that server.
    Khyber Character: Main; Manathayria; Rogue making a circuit of sorc and other lives.

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