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Thread: UI Changes

  1. #1
    Hero, Mo Bro H'ro, & MB Super-H'ro ComicRelief's Avatar
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    Default UI Changes

    Can someone - anyone - explain to me why we need to have an astral shard balance weidget on the main UI screen? It's already obvious on the Inventory pop-up, along with plat, gold, silver, and copper. I mean, if we're going to place astral shard balance on the main UI, why not the plat, gold, silver, and copper balances, as well?

    It's just plain silly and should be removed. Besides, I can't figure out what other little widget is supposed to fit in the curved portion of it anyway and it's driving me crazy (a short trip, admittedly).

    Also - will someone PLEASE align (left-end and right-end) the "Create" and "Delete" buttons on the character selection/Creation screen with all the other buttons in the same general area? It really, really, REALLY looks sloppy. As someone who (occasionally) creates operator UI screens for industrial clients, I would be embarassed if my UI went out looking like that.

    {Why, yes, I do have a mild case of OCD - why do you ask?}
    "...At least it tells us they understand our language; they're just not willing to speak to us in it. -Who knew they were French?"

  2. #2
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    Drives me crazy also. I hate adding hot bars that have to fight with things like this for space. I run with 2 chat boxes active and the circular hole in the second one also drives me nuts and serves no purpose.

  3. #3
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    Default DDO story

    the zynga developer they hired a few months ago only knows one way to program reroll chest for 50 shards, click the screen buy shards, post a item use shards. This is exactly how farm story/ castle story all of the game apps work get use to it.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by ComicRelief View Post
    Can someone - anyone - explain to me why we need to have an astral shard balance weidget on the main UI screen? It's already obvious on the Inventory pop-up, along with plat, gold, silver, and copper. I mean, if we're going to place astral shard balance on the main UI, why not the plat, gold, silver, and copper balances, as well?

    It's just plain silly and should be removed. Besides, I can't figure out what other little widget is supposed to fit in the curved portion of it anyway and it's driving me crazy (a short trip, admittedly).

    I don't like it, either, but would be ok with it if we could toggle it off.

  5. #5
    Community Member Noctus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by terryg40 View Post
    I don't like it, either, but would be ok with it if we could toggle it off.
    Erzskalde (Warchanter) / Erzassassin (just passing through - ignore me) / Erzsoldat (waiting for TR-time) / Erzschmied (ranged Artificer)

  6. #6
    Community Member Stormblade721's Avatar
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    I really don't see where the little shard tracker is n issue. it's literally minute. Can't really see why there is any complaint.

    Marshland Hunter - Tonka - Merack - Mockery - Taralack Veed - Minastir - of Thelanis

  7. #7
    Hero, Mo Bro H'ro, & MB Super-H'ro ComicRelief's Avatar
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    Default It May be Small, but It's in the Way

    Quote Originally Posted by Stormblade721 View Post
    I really don't see where the little shard tracker is n issue. it's literally minute. Can't really see why there is any complaint.
    For some of us who have a lot of hotbars open along the bottom of the screen, it is simply in the way. It doesn't matter how small it is, but apparently you cannot move it or turn it off. If we could turn it off and move it, then fine. But it is sstill an unnecessary change - and unnecessary changes that you have zero control over sre just silly. The simple "fix", or course, is to make it optional. That's not so hard, is it?
    "...At least it tells us they understand our language; they're just not willing to speak to us in it. -Who knew they were French?"

  8. #8
    Community Member UurlockYgmeov's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by terryg40 View Post
    I don't like it, either, but would be ok with it if we could toggle it off.

    /agree - we don't need more screen clutter. currently I just cover it with hotbars.

  9. #9
    Community Member Firewall's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UurlockYgmeov View Post
    /agree - we don't need more screen clutter. currently I just cover it with hotbars.
    Yes please let us at least turn it off.

  10. #10
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    Yes please, if it really does need to be put in the interface, let us move it around and turn it off. It messes with how I have my bars organized.

    Apart from that, it being there makes me feel a bit dirty - as if I am trying one of the cheaply made korean MMOs a couple of years back.

  11. #11
    Community Member Zaodyna's Avatar
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    The shard tracker is bugged.

    If you happen to have your "connection meter" in that location, then the shard tracker covers it, AND you CANNOT select the connection meter to drag it someplace else, effectively losing it completely. Turning connection meter off/on does not help, it still appears BEHIND the shard tracker and is unselectable/undraggable.

  12. #12
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    Default Not a fan of this UI element - Redundant; Available from Inventory 'I' hotkey

    /toggle pls.

    In the meantime, moved hotbar over to cover it. Not optimal but it works.

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