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  1. #1
    Community Member Alistina's Avatar
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    Default Doubleshot + Repeating xbows

    In a couple of enhancements or the 27 level doubleshot feat description it says:
    Repeating crossbows have a reduced chance of producing extra shots

    What does this mean exactly? That this feat/enhancement is actually going to hamper the performance of repeaters?

  2. #2
    Community Member DogMania's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alistina View Post
    In a couple of enhancements or the 27 level doubleshot feat description it says:
    Repeating crossbows have a reduced chance of producing extra shots

    What does this mean exactly? That this feat/enhancement is actually going to hamper the performance of repeaters?
    Try Reading what double shot does, then think that with a repeater it does not proc as often and you have your answer

  3. #3
    Community Member Alistina's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DogMania View Post
    Try Reading what double shot does, then think that with a repeater it does not proc as often and you have your answer
    Thanks for the reply! I get your explanation, but when I read the original text, it still reads to me like it is going to actually reduce the original number of shots produced by my repeater (and not at all that is has a reduced proc chance on repeaters)

    Wondering if I'm the only one who reads it that

  4. #4
    Community Member LilyOphelia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alistina View Post
    Wondering if I'm the only one who reads it that way
    Seems really clear to me. Since repeaters shoot so many times versus other ranged weapons, it procs less often. It's sad (because I use repeaters), but probably understandable.

  5. #5
    Community Member Alistina's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LilyOphelia View Post
    Seems really clear to me. Since repeaters shoot so many times versus other ranged weapons, it procs less often. It's sad (because I use repeaters), but probably understandable.
    Hehe it was me then reading it weird all this time I use repeaters too and used to wonder each time I came across that line..guess it fair that it will proc less on repeaters than rest of the xbows. Glad I got it cleared

  6. #6
    Founder Delacroix21's Avatar
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    It's sad that they think the way to balance the gap between regular crossbows and repeaters is to constantly nerf repeaters, including enhancements that increase crossbow damag and not repeaters.

    But the problem is repeaters SHOULD be stronger, due to requiring an epic feat.

    Greatcross bows need a buff, and I think the way to do that is to make them hit VERY hard, to offset their slow speed. I would make them 18-20x4 weapons, with knockdown on CRIT and not vorpal. Even with that huge change i think many people will still prefer repeaters. Greatcrossbows should feel like you are firing a portable ballista at your enemy, and hit with MASSIVE effect. That will help compensate for slow speed, no endless fuselade, no many shot, no 10k stars.
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alistina View Post
    Thanks for the reply! I get your explanation, but when I read the original text, it still reads to me like it is going to actually reduce the original number of shots produced by my repeater (and not at all that is has a reduced proc chance on repeaters)

    Wondering if I'm the only one who reads it that
    I think you probably are. I suppose the "Balanced" way to do it would be to make Repeaters doubleshot only 1/3 as often as they fire 3 times as quickly. Not sure if it's that extreme.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Delacroix21 View Post
    But the problem is repeaters SHOULD be stronger, due to requiring an epic feat.
    Since when? Every arti I have ever seen ever is walking around with a repeater....

  9. #9
    Community Member Alistina's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Delacroix21 View Post
    It's sad that they think the way to balance the gap between regular crossbows and repeaters is to constantly nerf repeaters, including enhancements that increase crossbow damag and not repeaters.

    But the problem is repeaters SHOULD be stronger, due to requiring an epic feat.

    Greatcross bows need a buff, and I think the way to do that is to make them hit VERY hard, to offset their slow speed. I would make them 18-20x4 weapons, with knockdown on CRIT and not vorpal. Even with that huge change i think many people will still prefer repeaters. Greatcrossbows should feel like you are firing a portable ballista at your enemy, and hit with MASSIVE effect. That will help compensate for slow speed, no endless fuselade, no many shot, no 10k stars.
    I'm thinking Great crossbows should be changed somehow to do AOE damage. Inspite of all the enhancement favoring Great crossbows I know I'd still be using repeaters, as most others would too, I'm sure. There could be different types doing different elemental damage, similar to AOE arcane spells. Something like, you shoot a bolt, it hits the target and explodes doing say half the damage to immediate monsters, fourth the damage to the enemies a bit further off, etc...

  10. #10
    Community Member BlackSteel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PaddyMaxson View Post
    I think you probably are. I suppose the "Balanced" way to do it would be to make Repeaters doubleshot only 1/3 as often as they fire 3 times as quickly. Not sure if it's that extreme.
    not necessarly true. Which sadly during one of the Q & A's I asked about the doubleshot chance. And apparently whoever came up with the percent thought the same thing, 3 bolts per shot so lets make it 1/3rd as effective. But when you compare it to Bows, who get a decent benefit from speed bonuses, the shots/minute are not that drastic; its actually slightly less than double instead of triple the rate. ~70 shots compare to 120.

    not to mention at 1/3rd the value, its very disheartening to reach any decent value. atleast at 1/2 per point you could get an ok amount.
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  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlackSteel View Post
    not necessarly true. Which sadly during one of the Q & A's I asked about the doubleshot chance. And apparently whoever came up with the percent thought the same thing, 3 bolts per shot so lets make it 1/3rd as effective. But when you compare it to Bows, who get a decent benefit from speed bonuses, the shots/minute are not that drastic; its actually slightly less than double instead of triple the rate. ~70 shots compare to 120.

    not to mention at 1/3rd the value, its very disheartening to reach any decent value. atleast at 1/2 per point you could get an ok amount.
    Well, in fairness on the other end... you get less doubleshot but for the purposes of actives you automatically get 3 bolts per volley using the active shot. Meaning 3 stacks of inferno arrows; or 9 stacks of -sr from capped shattermantle shot; or 9 no-save dispels from dispelling shot... While bow types can get similar rates when using manyshot/10k stars those abilities now lockout native doubleshot from gear for more than double their duration after they finish.

    I do agree however... rate of fire differences really aren't 3:1 for repeaters vs archery/normal xbows so probably should look at making a slight change on the % reduction of doubleshot for them.

  12. #12
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scrag View Post
    Since when? Every arti I have ever seen ever is walking around with a repeater....
    There are quite a few running around with two-handed weapons now and neither a repeater or rune arm.
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  13. #13
    Community Member Teh_Troll's Avatar
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    In their CURRENT state - I LOVE the enhancements.

    There are a few more changes i'd like to see but I'm about 75% fanboi right now.

  14. #14
    Community Member Alistina's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlackSteel View Post
    not necessarly true. Which sadly during one of the Q & A's I asked about the doubleshot chance. And apparently whoever came up with the percent thought the same thing, 3 bolts per shot so lets make it 1/3rd as effective. But when you compare it to Bows, who get a decent benefit from speed bonuses, the shots/minute are not that drastic; its actually slightly less than double instead of triple the rate. ~70 shots compare to 120.

    not to mention at 1/3rd the value, its very disheartening to reach any decent value. atleast at 1/2 per point you could get an ok amount.
    Did you get a confirmation from a Dev during the Q&A on the chance of extra shots being 1/3rd?

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