Is this ability borked? TRing my first Dark Monk, get out to the Vale and nothing. I get these pretty blue circle animations as I swim across the lake...
Is this ability borked? TRing my first Dark Monk, get out to the Vale and nothing. I get these pretty blue circle animations as I swim across the lake...
Dervissh ~ Derrvold ~ Dervealer ~ Dervace ~ Dervedic ~ Dervard
Errm, yes. Very. I've had a few dark monks, and the only places I've ever found it to work are in the Harbour, and that little stream that flows behind the inn in House Deneith, although that may have been so shallow I was just running along the bottom.
All is not lost however. A dark monk makes a great Purple Coin farmer during Festivult, and as the Harbour is about the only place Dance of the Water Strider works, it comes in most handy for getting back to the docks after you've floated down over the sea.
Unfortunately, it seems to have been removed with the Enhancement Pass (and as it's unlikely that there'll be another Festivult along before then) if you want some use for it, it is quite good for amazing and astounding newbs in the Harbour.
the only quest that I know of that it works is in Abbot. long over due to be removed if it was only useful for 1 quest.
Water walking also works on lava, in places such as "Haywire Foundry," and in a few other places such as "Ritual Sacrifice."
While Dance of the Water Strider seems to be disappearing, if the alpha preview was any indication, take heart, for the alpha had greatly expanded the Ninja Spy tree with some nifty new abilities. Stay tuned from the devs on the release. Right now, the beta program is testing and...the first rule of Beta Fight Club should be obvious.
Editor, The Book of Syncletica 2nd Edition: An unofficial DDO Monk Guide, and Stormreach Shadows: An unofficial DDO Stealth Guide(Stormreach Shadows updates are in indefinite hiatus.)The Order of Syncletica: A DDO-flavored blog on Monks and gameplay and more
Please bring back water strider! Make it optional if anything. I TRd to a dark monk build specifically around this enhancement to play Abbot with my group! Thank you.
I have lately found that it works in Picture Portals for the the 40 feet you would have swam....booo water striding...
Dervissh ~ Derrvold ~ Dervealer ~ Dervace ~ Dervedic ~ Dervard