And if they are not Half-Orcs why do they look like them?
And if they are not Half-Orcs why do they look like them?
Last edited by Gishou; 07-13-2013 at 10:12 PM.
I do believe they are human without xtra feat and skills. Their racial tree is humans but the dragonmark line is removed and PDK items inserted.
Always haggle venders - Anicheap Copperpincher
Anigiant the Halfling
Most dangerous enemy tactic ... Lag Death
Beyond Good and Evil - Sarlona
The PDK is a Human character without the extra feat slot (though skill points bonus seems to be there), and human enhacements (besides dragonmarks tree ofcourse), but have a half-orc size and some mix of human and half-orc appearances. Hope this helps, cheers.
Slow player: puggers beware!
They avoid the Enchanted Ghallanda Rations. As House Ghallanda is a halfling dragonmarked house, Ghallanda rations are small portions enchanted to seem filling even when they aren't, that and they come from Eberron.
Purple Dragon Knights, being on a different world than Ghallanda and also being the officers and warrior elite of the Cormyrian Army are fed a solid diet of Roast Boar Shank and Smoke-Cured Ham, I swear!
They only look like half-orcs because we're used to seeing underfed humans starved from a non-stop diet of enchanted halfling sized portions of travel rations.
I think they are supposed to be Humans, but they have the Body proportions of a Half Orc or a Tall Dwarf.
Then why can the ones we make not have a berry addiction?
they probably re-used the skeletal kinematics from Horcs. If you notice PDK's in Eveningstar all have a wide shouldered strong jawed build, naturally they re-used the mesh from the NPC PDK's. Which I suspect are just scaled down Horc mesh, with faces tweaked to look less brutish.
I haven't actually checked them out but I bet they use the Horc "breath" frames (the standing still animation) which will make them neigh on unplayable for me, as I can't stand how exaggerated that bit of animation is.
IMO Turbine's animators need to take a page from the "less is more" and "subtle looks better for longer" school of design philosophy. Just look at the melee attack animations... so incredibly repetitious "swing swing SPIN, swing swing SPIN" go play Diablo III to see some masterful combat animation with weighty hits and enough breaking up of the animation cycle so it doesn't get insanely repetitive (Diablo III's rag doll physics don't hurt either but I'm just talking about the varied animations).
They look like a cross between orcs and dwarfs. Visually very unappealing with faces only their mothers would love. I suspect some people will not play PDK just from the way they look. Very ionic considering they are a charisma based race...
Graphically the PDK is a half-orc body with a human head. It appears the half-orc body must have been copy/pasted to the PDK. Roll a half-orc female and a PDK female and compare the gigantic hands. Also compare the same cartoonish short half-orc legs. Those legs are OK on a half-orc, since horcs are cartoonish anyway, but tall humans have long legs. It would have been better to just enlarge the existing human body shape.
Sorry! I don't want any adventures, thank you. Not Today. Good morning! But please come to tea -any time you like! Why not tomorrow? Good bye!
- Bilbo Baggins
As others have said, they clearly used horc bodies and added human heads. I think this is ok for the men but the women look nasty. The Eveningstar PDK females look like normal humans, but for the players they look like nasty hunchbacks. I really hope the fix this, as its hard playing a character you cant stand looking at.
Steroids. Magical steroids.
Me too.
Human sized would be better.
Anyway PDK Female Heads are very nice.