And if they are not Half-Orcs why do they look like them?
And if they are not Half-Orcs why do they look like them?
Last edited by Gishou; 07-13-2013 at 10:12 PM.
I do believe they are human without xtra feat and skills. Their racial tree is humans but the dragonmark line is removed and PDK items inserted.
Always haggle venders - Anicheap Copperpincher
Anigiant the Halfling
Most dangerous enemy tactic ... Lag Death
Beyond Good and Evil - Sarlona
The PDK is a Human character without the extra feat slot (though skill points bonus seems to be there), and human enhacements (besides dragonmarks tree ofcourse), but have a half-orc size and some mix of human and half-orc appearances. Hope this helps, cheers.
Slow player: puggers beware!
They avoid the Enchanted Ghallanda Rations. As House Ghallanda is a halfling dragonmarked house, Ghallanda rations are small portions enchanted to seem filling even when they aren't, that and they come from Eberron.
Purple Dragon Knights, being on a different world than Ghallanda and also being the officers and warrior elite of the Cormyrian Army are fed a solid diet of Roast Boar Shank and Smoke-Cured Ham, I swear!
They only look like half-orcs because we're used to seeing underfed humans starved from a non-stop diet of enchanted halfling sized portions of travel rations.
I think they are supposed to be Humans, but they have the Body proportions of a Half Orc or a Tall Dwarf.
Then why can the ones we make not have a berry addiction?