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  1. #41


    Quote Originally Posted by SirShen View Post
    This is not crafted its loot gen. IF so this is a joke. I wont be using augments unless i craft the item. This use to be level 3 as loot gen.
    Several updates ago they made an ML pass where lootgen ML was made the same as crafted. So now skill +13 items are ML11 instead of ML13, etc... In that context, I'd say your ring is indeed the correct ML for lootgen.

    And yeah, yellow augment lootgen/crafted items are absolutely nonviable for low levels.

  2. #42
    Community Member UurlockYgmeov's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    Yep, that is indeed the right level. At least, it's the same level it would be if you disjuncted it and crafted +1 charisma onto it. Sad, isn't it? Yellow augment slots add 4 ML.
    you know the more I think about this - the slot shouldn't affect levels - it is the augment that is in it that should.

    so empty slot - no level adjustment; full slot - adjust aml. the crystals already have been adjusted in strength to factor in that it is an additional enchantment - just look at the skill ones.

  3. #43
    Community Member UurlockYgmeov's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    And yeah, yellow augment lootgen/crafted items are absolutely nonviable for low levels.
    Why my guild augmented cannith crafted items are my ultimate TR twink gear. bring back the guild augmented equipment as well!

  4. #44
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    WHY would you do such a thing turbine! i understand that you may need to fix an issue that will make these items easier to maintain going forward! I am a big fan of spending a bit of extra time to come up with permanent solutions for issues. (its why i ground out those rings in the first place)

    But when you retro activate a change that will take away cherished gear from players that have been around since the reign of madness chain dropped those rings, it does nothing positive for you or your game!

    Those rings are simply put, highly coveted gear for those who TR, nothing more! If you take them away who will you be affecting? It balances nothing! TR's who use that gear are past them in a few days to a few weeks depending on speed of the player then back to the mule for the next life.

    I realize they were a mistake on turbines part .. but they were a wonderful mistake that benefited veteran players in a unique way that made them sub optimal gear past level 5-9 depending on the piece. Pay a little respect to us please... give us the time and consideration to look at this from an everyday players perspective, PLEASE!

  5. #45
    Community Member darkrune's Avatar
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    Default Leave them the funk alone

    Changes to risia and other ml TR equipment will be the last straw for me.

    •No new endgame content (whoopdeedoo more epic grind)
    •Upcoming changes to epic tr (whoopdeedoo more epic grind)
    •Ruining lowbie twink gear that I received after purchasing content and ran
    •Ruining lowbie gear that I traded higher end loot for stupid motes and recipes for
    •Ruining the game by fixing stuff that isn't broken rather than correcting game breaking bugs.
    •Always IMMEDIATELY fixing exploits that help players while allowing bugs that hurt players to continue indefinitely.
    •catering to cosmetic crp companions rather than new content that isn't just a rehash of the same crp monsters/quests we currently have.

    Come on turbine I love giving you my money. Don't make me stop now.
    Darkrune TRx2 lvl 20 FvS, Darkdivinity lvl 20 cleric, Darkaxe lvl 20 fighter, Darktune TRx1 lvl 4bard, Darkbow lvl 20 AA Ranger, Darksoldier TRx1 lvl 20 Barb, Darkspells TRx2 lvl 20 Wizard, Darkbattle TRx1 lvl 20 artificer, Darktemper lvl 17 Ranger, Darkfists TRx1 lvl 20 Monk, Darkherald lvl 5 paladin Guild Leader of No Politics Thelanis Server

  6. #46
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    Aside from bugged items, I think there is still an issue. I don't mind if a level 11 item that should have always been level 11 is changed to level 11 from no min level.

    However, as a general rule bta items were always 2 levels below what the equivalent unbound item would be. This end reward loot so it seems to me this was working as intended.

    Feather, is there a way to at least adjust the level of bta random loot which as far as i know only comes from end rewards? I've invested alot of stone of change and risia rituals on those and I hate to think all that effort was wasted. If my no min level items are now bumped to level 5, it will definitely be disappoining.

    Feather, thank you for all you do. Please review these concerns.

  7. #47
    2015 DDO Players Council Ironforge_Clan's Avatar
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    First off each and everyone of us knew that those rings with no ML were not WAI. We all complained when they made the first change to lower the hardness of the items so they were more likely to break. Obviously that did not work as well as Turbine had intended. We also all know that Turbine fixes everything that isn't WAI and is in the players favor as soon as humanly possible. Why is it then such a surprise that they finally got around to changing these rings on us?

    Honestly, if you need a +6 stat ring, a +15 skill item, HF or GFL or whatever you might have on your precious to get your through those low level quests then I suggest you re-learn how to play the game. Take the training wheels off and learn how to improve your skill and not be so reliant on overpowered broken gear.
    Last edited by Ironforge_Clan; 08-03-2013 at 10:48 AM. Reason: corrected gramattical error...
    Axebiter, Cujo, Runeforge, Runefury, Runegoth, Runehealer, Runehamer, Runehorde, Runenight, Runesongs, Runezephyr
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  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ironforge_Clan View Post
    First of each and everyone of us knew that those rings with no ML were not WAI. We all complained when they made the first change to lower the hardness of the items so they were more likely to break. Obviously that did not work as well as Turbine had intended. We also all know that Turbine fixes everything that isn't WAI and is in the players favor as soon as humanly possible. Why is it then such a surprise that they finally got around to changing these rings on us?

    Honestly, if you need a +6 stat ring, a +15 skill item, HF or GFL or whatever you might have on your precious to get your through those low level quests then I suggest you re-learn how to play the game. Take the training wheels off and learn how to improve your skill and not be so reliant on overpowered broken gear.
    I agree with this, but there are so many other items changing also. it's the non-bugged items that are changing which i am nost concerned about.

  9. 08-03-2013, 08:36 AM

  10. 08-03-2013, 09:07 AM

  11. 08-03-2013, 09:26 AM

  12. 08-03-2013, 10:47 AM

  13. 08-03-2013, 12:45 PM

  14. 08-03-2013, 07:47 PM

  15. #49
    Time Bandit & Hero SirShen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Feather_of_Sun View Post
    In DDO's past, items had minimum levels because they were explicitly placed in treasure tables to generate properly on that item.

    Sometimes, mistakes were made when setting up quest arc rewards, and one item (rings, in several cases...) slipped through bugged with no minimum level.

    Core changes to how items in DDO work mean that we (the developers) no longer set item level ourselves on an item by item by entering data in tables.
    Now, for non-named and non-raid items only, the item figures out it's own level properly based on the total value of the magical effects on it.
    This means that bugs of both kinds (randomly-generated items too high in level and items that were too low in level) will fix themselves, and these bugs cannot occur again in the future.
    Can you explain to me why quest arc rewards are now worst then loot gen found in any chest. Quest arc rewards from The Sharn Syndicate are level 3 for a +2 str ect and bound to account, from a chest i can get +2 with masterful craftsmanship and its better then quest arc rewards is this right?

  16. #50
    Community Member mons's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Feather_of_Sun View Post
    In DDO's past, items had minimum levels because they were explicitly placed in treasure tables to generate properly on that item.

    Sometimes, mistakes were made when setting up quest arc rewards, and one item (rings, in several cases...) slipped through bugged with no minimum level.

    Core changes to how items in DDO work mean that we (the developers) no longer set item level ourselves on an item by item by entering data in tables.
    Now, for non-named and non-raid items only, the item figures out it's own level properly based on the total value of the magical effects on it.
    This means that bugs of both kinds (randomly-generated items too high in level and items that were too low in level) will fix themselves, and these bugs cannot occur again in the future.

    Sorry but that's not a valid excuse to retro them over 2 yrs since the "bug" was fixed. Folks that were f2p purchased that pack specifically for the end reward and Turbine made a profit from it. Those rings were "bugged" since the pack was released. Many people including myself spent countless hours in that chain grinding the end rewards. If the were retro'd when they were initially fixed, I wouldn't complain but 2 yrs after the fact is ********.

  17. #51
    Community Member taurean430's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ironforge_Clan View Post
    First off each and everyone of us knew that those rings with no ML were not WAI. We all complained when they made the first change to lower the hardness of the items so they were more likely to break. Obviously that did not work as well as Turbine had intended. We also all know that Turbine fixes everything that isn't WAI and is in the players favor as soon as humanly possible. Why is it then such a surprise that they finally got around to changing these rings on us?

    Honestly, if you need a +6 stat ring, a +15 skill item, HF or GFL or whatever you might have on your precious to get your through those low level quests then I suggest you re-learn how to play the game. Take the training wheels off and learn how to improve your skill and not be so reliant on overpowered broken gear.
    On the surface, as a person who remains disappointed with watering down difficulty, I would agree with you.

    I refused to join the mad rush associated with acquiring the rings in question for Lordsmark/Reign of Madness for similar reasons. I didn't need any of that **** to get through the content, and definitely raised an eyebrow on anyone who claimed they did need it. But then I thought about how this affects Risia Crafted Weapons.

    It did take a fair amount of trading, and a whole lot of time jumping to get what I do have. Come to think of it, I did a lot of trading to get some of the things I crafted upon as well. Anyway, my point lies here really.

    It looks to me more like the raise in min level that was shared with us via screenshot had a lot more to do with the prefix/suffix mechanics changing on the weapon as opposed to Risia crafting being the cause of the min level raise. Okay, but this still invalidates all of that player's farming efforts by proxy. I haven't checked yet as I haven't made it over to lammy to look at my characters there. I'm sure I will find some of my handwraps/khopeshes/greatswords/shortswords/falchions/greataxes proxy nerfed. In effect moved upwards to minimum levels that invalidates their existence.

    Are these items needed in order to run the low level content? No, they are not.

    Am I going to get upset that my efforts are going to be invalidated because a developer arbitrarily decided to proxy nerf a great many hours of time and resources to create something fun for my TR efforts? Absofreakinlutely!

    I can go level 1-20 quickly and with one arm tied behind my back like a lot of people in this game. The difficulty of the quests is a non factor really. The pixels I acquire and in some cases craft upon within the rule set given are used not out of necessity, but to further my entertainment. So I don't believe, thinking about it for a minute, that a generic L2P applies here.

    What I'd like to know, Feather_of_Sun, is why it is that you appear to be consistently attacking and destroying the creations of those before you? Would it not be wiser to center your efforts on integration as opposed to destruction? And do you have any idea how this arbitrary change of yours negatively affects your player base?
    Khyber: Evandus, Halfdeadd, Licoricewhip, Sawyn, Elkabongg, Brothanumsi, Soulbro, Cromix.
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  18. #52
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    Well that's disappointing, but hardly gamebreaking. Much as I like my twink gear, between 1 and 10 it probably makes a couple hours difference and not much more. Then again, that speed may change entirely with the quest XP adjustment. I'm more concerned with how this could go terribly wrong for everything else.

    Quote Originally Posted by Feather_of_Sun View Post
    Core changes to how items in DDO work mean that we (the developers) no longer set item level ourselves on an item by item by entering data in tables.
    Now, for non-named and non-raid items only, the item figures out it's own level properly based on the total value of the magical effects on it.
    This means that bugs of both kinds (randomly-generated items too high in level and items that were too low in level) will fix themselves, and these bugs cannot occur again in the future.
    Would anyone on Lamma care to confirm this change doesn't affect cannith crafted gear, augment slotted gear, or any of the named-but-difficulty-variable gear?

  19. #53
    Community Member mons's Avatar
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    Default Its not just no min lvl rings

    Remember the icy burst kits, just sent a mule with all my kopeshes to lama and they too are now nerfed, so all that time spent on farming icy burst kits is now wasted.


  20. #54
    Community Member Shmuel's Avatar
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    Some days I feel like there is something of an organized initiative designed to discourage people from playing endgame and instead to have them focus on TR. The lack of new raids (not just in this update, but so few over the past 2 years) is a perfect example of this. I figured this was because TR requires less new content development and generates more revenue, and so, in a purely money-focused sense, it made sense as an overarching plan for WB to pursue for this game.

    Then I see stuff like this and am forced instead to conclude that there are a decent percentage of you with no clue how to do your jobs properly and who are just pushing your bad ideas through the system without thinking about the consequences whatsoever, like a bull in a china shop.
    Last edited by Shmuel; 08-12-2013 at 09:51 AM.
    Shmuel Xadin Xadins Errand Mohnster Yitzhak

  21. #55
    2015 DDO Players Council Ironforge_Clan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taurean430 View Post
    On the surface, as a person who remains disappointed with watering down difficulty, I would agree with you.

    I refused to join the mad rush associated with acquiring the rings in question for Lordsmark/Reign of Madness for similar reasons. I didn't need any of that **** to get through the content, and definitely raised an eyebrow on anyone who claimed they did need it. But then I thought about how this affects Risia Crafted Weapons.

    It did take a fair amount of trading, and a whole lot of time jumping to get what I do have. Come to think of it, I did a lot of trading to get some of the things I crafted upon as well. Anyway, my point lies here really.

    It looks to me more like the raise in min level that was shared with us via screenshot had a lot more to do with the prefix/suffix mechanics changing on the weapon as opposed to Risia crafting being the cause of the min level raise. Okay, but this still invalidates all of that player's farming efforts by proxy. I haven't checked yet as I haven't made it over to lammy to look at my characters there. I'm sure I will find some of my handwraps/khopeshes/greatswords/shortswords/falchions/greataxes proxy nerfed. In effect moved upwards to minimum levels that invalidates their existence.

    Are these items needed in order to run the low level content? No, they are not.

    Am I going to get upset that my efforts are going to be invalidated because a developer arbitrarily decided to proxy nerf a great many hours of time and resources to create something fun for my TR efforts? Absofreakinlutely!

    I can go level 1-20 quickly and with one arm tied behind my back like a lot of people in this game. The difficulty of the quests is a non factor really. The pixels I acquire and in some cases craft upon within the rule set given are used not out of necessity, but to further my entertainment. So I don't believe, thinking about it for a minute, that a generic L2P applies here.

    What I'd like to know, Feather_of_Sun, is why it is that you appear to be consistently attacking and destroying the creations of those before you? Would it not be wiser to center your efforts on integration as opposed to destruction? And do you have any idea how this arbitrary change of yours negatively affects your player base?
    With respect to the original icy burst kits it does hurt/stink/suck/<insert your preference here>! I understand that it is an issue where the first icy bursts were not differentiated with a random loot generated items. Without that difference there is no way for them to "easily" go back and correct the problem. I also understand that those items crafted in later festivals won't be affected. Now, there has been a great deal of back and forth in this thread regarding whether or not the newer versions are affected by the change. I for one don't have anyone on Lam with both older and newer kits to check it out for myself.

    I am just hoping that Feather and the other developers come through and make sure that the newer versions are not changed. I would also hope that they could come up with some way to help the player base that is affected by the issue of having the original festival icy burst kits on their items. It is a blow to the players that did the grinding or traded heavily to obtain the motes and recipes.
    Axebiter, Cujo, Runeforge, Runefury, Runegoth, Runehealer, Runehamer, Runehorde, Runenight, Runesongs, Runezephyr
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  22. #56


    Quote Originally Posted by Ironforge_Clan View Post
    I am just hoping that Feather and the other developers come through and make sure that the newer versions are not changed.
    My newer versions (ie: that have "Festival" in the effect name) are not changed; same ML as on live.

  23. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ironforge_Clan View Post
    I would also hope that they could come up with some way to help the player base that is affected by the issue of having the original festival icy burst kits on their items. It is a blow to the players that did the grinding or traded heavily to obtain the motes and recipes.
    Quote Originally Posted by hit_fido View Post
    I would hope that either of the following happen:

    a) we can re-frost/burst the item in question at the next risia which should have the expected behavior of removing any existing frost/burst feature and adding festival frost/burst to the item. Then if the new item system works as Feather has described, your item should recalculate minimum level without considering the festival add on and lower itself again. As I recall, replacement of existing frost/burst features was already part of Risia crafting so this may work immediately - no development required.

    b) I can't think of any reason other than actual bugs that (a) shouldn't work, but if it doesn't then I would request a simple stone of change recipe to strip off frost and icy burst from any item you insert plus some odd number of shards. That can't be *that* difficult to add.
    I'm not throwing away anything I have that was affected - really just a couple items that were cool pulls way back. Wait and see if (a) works, granted it costs you another set of motes and recipes. If not then plan (b); I'll probably make a complaint thread asking for a stone of change recipe or some (presumably) simple solution like that and hope it gets traction. If not then I'll be bummed.

  24. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dendrix View Post
    Risia Icy Burst does NOT increase the minimum level of weapons
    Eldritch Crafting does NOT increase the minimum level of Items

    I've just checked and my items levels were not changed
    can you post pictures? because festival icy burst (from risia) Does add to the enhancement level of an item, I have a +5 ghost touch cold iron bastard sword of pure good with icy burst put on it and its showing up as a +10 item. which would make it a lvl 18 weapon under the new system, currently its lvl 12. (pure good = +1, Ghost touch = +1, +5 enhancement = +5, +7 enhancement which means festival icy burst adds a +3 enhancement, which should effectively raise the level of the item (and thus become bugged since festival icy burst isnt supposed to raise the level)

    Last edited by Violith; 08-15-2013 at 04:30 PM.

  25. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by Violith View Post
    can you post pictures? because festival icy burst (from risia) Does add to the enhancement level of an item, I have a +5 ghost touch cold iron bastard sword of pure good with icy burst put on it and its showing up as a +10 item. which would make it a lvl 18 weapon under the new system, currently its lvl 12. (pure good = +1, Ghost touch = +1, +5 enhancement = +5, +7 enhancement which means festival icy burst adds a +3 enhancement, which should effectively raise the level of the item (and thus become bugged since festival icy burst isnt supposed to raise the level)

    Just for info - pure good would be +2 under new system as far as I am aware. At some point I think they changed pure good on random loot gen to match that of crafting i.e. +2 but left existing random loot gen items with pure good alone. But as every random item is working off the same basis (in theory) then I'd say pure good on all random gen stuff will be +2.

  26. #60
    Hero JOTMON's Avatar
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    Looks like feathers "Fix" screws BTA items.

    for example my BTA level 2 Greataxe is now level 4 which is the same as any unbound burst weapon.
    It is disappointing that these changes were not done with all factors in consideration, like BTA items being 2 levels lower than non bound items.

    and of course all these changes are retroactive...
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