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  1. #1
    Hero Lord-Vega's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Default Guild invitations?

    Not sure if this is a bug or wai, but I can't invite a toon not logged in into the guild.

    I created a new toon to test the low levels, and copied my 23L rogue to test the high levels. I started the guild with the new toon, and everytime I click on the invite button and type in the name, I get the error that the toon isn't highlighted.

    If this is wai, how do I invite someone to the guild that isn't logged in?

    Some think I'm a pain in the neck. Others have a lower opinion.

  2. #2
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Lord-Vega View Post
    Not sure if this is a bug or wai, but I can't invite a toon not logged in into the guild.

    I created a new toon to test the low levels, and copied my 23L rogue to test the high levels. I started the guild with the new toon, and everytime I click on the invite button and type in the name, I get the error that the toon isn't highlighted.

    If this is wai, how do I invite someone to the guild that isn't logged in?


    i.e. IF you've just created a Guild you need to get to LVL 5 Before you can INVITE any of your ALTS {OR Have OTHER Players in your Guild and Officers who can then invite your alt once you log on to it.}.

  3. #3
    Hero Lord-Vega's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post

    i.e. IF you've just created a Guild you need to get to LVL 5 Before you can INVITE any of your ALTS {OR Have OTHER Players in your Guild and Officers who can then invite your alt once you log on to it.}.
    Guild level 5, that's my problem. We're freshly minted.


    Some think I'm a pain in the neck. Others have a lower opinion.

  4. #4
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Jun 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Lord-Vega View Post
    Guild level 5, that's my problem. We're freshly minted.


    Ask someone to Join Guild and make em an officer!
    Then alt and get an invite!

    That person can then leave or stay.

    TBH The Devs could do with allowing Alts to be invited by Mail even on a freshly minted Guild - The Min Lvl 5 thing is Wrong in my View!

    I do have a Personal interest in this as every time I've created characters on a fresh server I've created a guild at the same time {and I never stick with JUST ONE Character per server!}.
    It can take one person a coupla days to earn enough renown at low levels {especially if starting at Lvl 4 or 7 - Vet Status - and farming Favour first!} to get to Lvl 5!

    And we don't all start our guild by inviting absolutely everybody in Korthos and the Harbour to Guild!

    And even if we did - Make the Wrong Person an Officer and by the time you get back online on your alt half the guild could have been booted!
    This has happened even in large established Guilds in the past!

    Lamannia ESPECIALLY should remove this penalty to New Guilds {Seriously...Why Not Allow ALL GUILDS on LAMA to Start at Lvl 25 with a FREE SHIP?}.

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