Iconics will barely net you any cash until you allow the option to TR into, and out of them, and here is why:
You say you want players to focus on the Iconic experience before offering TR options for them, but how is that possible if people won't play them? This is allready proven live, and will only worsen upon expansion release when the few playing an Iconic return to their higher level toons. I WANT to play Iconics, but I am not going to lose all of my gear and Tomes to do so.
The reason being:
No iconic TR means i can't use the character i have spent 6 years collecting gear etc. on to play. Considering how LONG it took me to farm all that gear, tomes, etc. why on earth do you think players will want to start fresh? Wasn't the whole point of TR to allow players to play a different class without losing all of their hard earned items?
Seriously rethink your current position on no TR Iconics at launch. You made a mistake in coming to that decision, its ok to admit that.