So, I just tried out the Shadar-Kai Iconic and ran into two small things that I will shortly report back ingame. First, during the Character Creation, there was only one feat slot available to choose, and then I believe there were 4 skill points missing from the beginning total, though I could have just mixed up the math wrong on that detail. However, I'm stuck between re-starting the toon over again, or keeping it as is, considering the fact that I broke open the Collector's Edition ticket early in my glee to be Beta-testing. Is there a link out there to help with info on the specs of the Iconics, or is this feat/skill point lack supposed to be intentional for the Shadar-Kai?
Also, a second thing, I ran into a conversational glitch with Elminster in the opening sequence. Couldn't get a different dialogue answer from him about the details until I asked for further Rogue training. THEN, the extra questions started getting me new info from him.
Logging back on to try a bug report.