Okay, so I know you guys are only human, and there are only so many hours in the work week...
Just curious what's on your agenda up until U19 launches? Are you primarily focused on the content of the pack? Is refinement with the enhancement trees still happening? ProducerRowan remarked that Sorc and Priest are getting new trees in a patch / next update... Just kinda wondering if you're moving on from enhancements for the time being. Are they "feature complete" and now they're in "bug-fix" stage?
Just wondering if bug reporting again feedback given in the enhancement previews is worth it? Are they still a work in progress, or are you moving on for the time being except for bug fixes?
i.e. Bard Warchanter Core abilities duration are still way too short... Is this something that's on the plate, or should we keep nagging about it?