So, decided to make my own Helli character as my next TR life for fighter, following the build by Thanimal (found here: )
However, Instead of stunning blow, I decided to take stunning fists. As this will be a 36 point build and I have +4 of each tome, the increased DC in stunning fist trumps stunning blow even with the strength bumps.
Now in not taking stunning blow, I don't get the enhancements for stunning blow, which frees up 3 enhancement points, awesome! But I now have a conundrum.
I can either take Fighter Unarmed Mastery II and Fighter Toughness III for 10 more hp, or I can drop the Fighter Unarmed Mastery 2 and gain 1 more enhancement point, and instead take Shintao I on top of the Kensei II.
The latter seems like the better choice, but hoping other ideas.
Thanks in advance!