Please use this thread to discuss the Wheloon Quest: Army of Shadow.
Please use this thread to discuss the Wheloon Quest: Army of Shadow.
Last edited by SqueakofDoom; 07-22-2013 at 11:59 AM.
All the quests seem very well put together.
Running a lvl25 Monk in GMoF (no twists). Running all quests solo w/Andaro in Epic Normal (lvl26) which means it is realativly easy to kill everything and finish quest. Though, when it came to Casko... Andaro died twice and I once. he is a beast being CR30 and his abilities. The damage from the acid combined with his other attacks/stickyness makes him seem like an EH foe compared to an EN foe. of all the monsters thus far, he is the most challenging, But with a well rounded party, he too should fall with relative easy.
Quest is easy to follow and the layout awesome much like all of the Prison City. The two at the start should also become targetable once the recruiter is dead.
The end boss, at 25% health went into a (non-combative) spell stance that left me confused for a bit. He summoned shadow creatures but none came. I stood next to him for a few waiting to see if enemies would come or if I could attack him again...nothing. It wasn't until I decided to venture back to center of room that creature came. This could be confsing to others in melee attack mode. Some sort of sign/noise/attack should draw attention back to center of room so as not to be left wondering if bugged.
All in all, great quest chain thus far.
Casko is a beast. A Very well done encounter.
Magical Rings are well... magical. - Gandalf
Nice quest, asymmetric in layout with stairs, corridors, rooms and plenty of secret areas. There's no specific flow to it, which is good and bad. Good because it doesn't lead you through a set amount of encounters 'bad' because I have to learn where to go
Agreed that this was an enjoyable and well-built quest. Definitely my favorite along with the last one, and I dont have any complaints. I think this one is in the best condition to go live at the present time.
One addition.
The Nightcrawler that spawns has really low saves. My alchem handwraps turned him to stone twice, and he was killed by the nightmare guard on my cloak of night, which seems somewhat ironic and not fitting. You might want to fix this aspect.
Nightcrawler in the end fight bugged out on me on epic hard.
It was on about 5% life and went into the floor and never came out again.
ditto on the nightcrawler bugging out and not coming back out of the floor. Was at maybe 50% health and dropped into the floor and healed to about 75% and never came out again.
Ran through with Saalutaball(28 monk, GMOF ED, twists), using Iessin 20 rogue/4 shadowdancer and Garrett the sainted(25 FVS). Everything was going fine...doing heroic elite just to do a quick run through and test the quest. Got to end tower, killed Nightcrawler, killed all the shadows and Marthir was stuck in casting animation. Ran all over the room, but he never came out of his animation, so I coud not finish the quest.
Another quick note: 24 level rogue not able to disable spell wards in last corridor, not sure if this is WAI...going to come back in with my Shadar-kai rogue later and check what the dc's are on these, but I expected that a level 24 hireling rogue would be able to disable any traps in a level 18 quest with ease.
Last edited by Saaluta; 07-22-2013 at 12:09 AM. Reason: added note
"Fools said I, you do not know. Silence like a cancer grows, hear my words that I might teach you, take my hand that I might reach you, but my words like silent raindrops fell...."-Paul Simon "Day after day, we caught no breath or motion. As idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean."--Coleridge