this is my suggestion for the aots,
Core abilities:
T1: Choose a skin type to bond with, Fey Celestrial Devil or demon, for each point spent in this tree you get
Fey:0.5 universal sp, 0.5 acid sp
Celestrial 0.5 universal sp, 0.5 light sp
devil 0.5 universal sp, 0.5 electric sp
Demon 0.5 universal sp, 0.5 fire sp
T2: Bonuses based on your skin
Fey +2cha +5 profane acid resist
Celestrial +2wis +5 profane light resistance
Demon +2con +5 profane fire resist
Devil +2int +5 profane electric resist
T3: +1mcl/cl to spells from your skin type another +5 profane resistance dependant on skin type
T4: a SLA granted based on your skin type
Fey:Acid fog
Demon: delayed blast fireball
Devil:Cahin lightning
(all of these would have fairy significant cds 20-30 seconds ish)
T5: SKIN TOGGLE: You gain a form based on your skin:
Fey:+4char +2wis you are now treated as a chaotic outsider gain dr 15/evil cold iron, immunity to charm
Celestrial: +4wis +2cha you are now treated as a lawful ousider gain dr 15 evil/magic, immunity to blind
Demon:+4con +2str you are now treated as a chatoic ousider and gain dr 15 good/silver, immunity to poison
Devil:+4int +2cha you are now treated as a lawful ousider and gain dr 15 good/cold iron, immunity to desiese
Tier 1:
SLA based on your skin
Fey:acid spray
Celestrial:nimbus of light
Demon: burning hands
Devil:shocking grasp
Skin resistance, 3 rank, 2 AP each: 5/10/20 sacred resistance acording to your skin type
Skincraft 3 ranks 1ap you gain 1/2/3 to a speech skill depending on your skin type, and at rank 3 you dont fail that skill check on a 1
demon: intimidate
Skin Spell Crit chance I 2ap: +2% to spells apropriate to your skin type (fey acid, celestrial light, demon fire, devil electric)
Tier 2:
Efficient Metamagic
Pierce Skin Resistance (Pre Req Skin Resistance) 3 ranks, 2 AP each: You bypass 5/10/15 resistance depending on skin type
Skin Spell Crit chance II 2ap: +2% to spells apropriate to your skin type (fey acid, celestrial light, demon fire, devil electric)
Toughned skin 1ap 3 ranks: you gain 1/2/3 natural armour and 2/4/6 prr
Tier 3:
Efficient Metamagic
Spell pen 3 ranks, 1 ap each: +1/2/3 Spell pen
Skin Spell Crit chance II 2ap: +2% to spells apropriate to your skin type (fey acid, celestrial light, demon fire, devil electric) 4:
Skin aura 2ap 3 ranks: you gain an aura based on your skin type
Fey:15%/20%/25% concealment
Celestrial:+1/2/3 sacred bonus to saves
Demon:+5/10/15hp and 2/4/6 prr
Devil: fear guard
+1cha or con 2ap
Tier 4
Efficient Metamagic
+1cha or +1con 2ap
SLA based on your skin type 1ap 3 ranks
Feyttos resistable dance
Celestrial:lesser restoration
demon:daze monster
Devil:hypnotic pattern
Camoflaged skin 1ap 3 ranks: your skin helps you blend in +2/4/6 to hide
Infernal spellcasting 2ap 3 ranks: toggle ability, while toggled on you loose 3/2/1 con per spellcast(can be removed normaly, stacking) but you gain 50 to spellpower while this is active
Tier 5:
SLA based on skin type 1ap 3 ranks
skin spellcasting 2ap 1rank: gain 1CL/MCL to spells of your skin type
evocation focus 2ap 1 rank:gain +1 to the dcs of your evocation spells
Call ally 2ap 1 rank: call an ally based on your skin type
Fey: nymph
thanks for reading cant wait to see what its actually like
Wiz Melee ->
Undead Cleric Melee ->
Totally another thing. Artificiers =! Sorc. Artificiers are per se a battlemage class. They are built for it. Sorcerers are not. Sorcs would not make a good battlemage, now nor never. Now, move on and don't go OFF TOPIC anymore. Go discuss your battlemage somewhere else.
Except your wrong Sorcs were actually the first successful Battlemage in DDO it wasn't until Wizards got Palemaster and the release of Arty until others started popping up and the second those abilities were shown to create battlemages the varying builds spread like wildfire.
Actually with the advent of Purple Dragon Knight and their lovely Comryian Knight Training Sorc Battlemages have gotten even easier to make the only real question is what to splash other than 1-2 PDK levels...2 rogue for evasion, umd and trap skills...2 Pally for massive saves...maybe 2 monk instead for evasion and 2 bonus feats.
We get that YOU don't like battle mages but their a very popular build and you saying their not is just plain wrong...IOW feel free to have an opinion but don't presume your opinion is fact.
Anyways you may return to making your Fire Savant Lite.
Side note: The symbol your looking for is =/= not =!
Last edited by Failedlegend; 09-11-2013 at 11:31 AM.
Originally Posted by Cordovan
The first AND ONlY successful Battlemage was and is still Tukaw, which is nowhere near as popular as you think. I've seen ONE in my DDO life. 2pal, 2rog, 2mnk splashes are not battlemages. They are just splashes for saves/evasion, nothing more. I gave you the numbers of battlemages (Tukaws) out there (60). Tell me more how popular they are please
=! is commonly used in forums. Thanks. Bye.
psykopeta is finally baconpletionist because there isn't anything to delay it more - thelanis, where the gimps claim to be pros and noobs claim to be pros, no newbies allowed(unless they claim to be pros), we have enough drama w/o them. PS: I post only in the latest thread shown in main page, in the weird case u want something from me, feel free to send pm
i will go discuss wherever i want. Make your own private forum and talk with yourself if wanna have full control.
If you think Jugg type builds can be done only with Arti, you are pretty lost. Splits like 12 sorc (or wiz) / 6 ranger / 2 monk (or rogu if wanna traps) are common. No to mention divine variants like 16 druid / 2 rng / 2 monk
Wiz Melee ->
Undead Cleric Melee ->
Try to make a Jugg with a WF Sorc and tell me again
This is not the thread to talk about your "common" battlemages. Read the title again.
Any further off-topic and irrelevant reply to the thread will be reported and asked to be deleted, including mines.
needs to be more diabolical, binding chains sla, spells have a chance to disease/poison/curse/healing curse mobs
A point of DR good per level
capstone lets you blink around like baktor... nah that would be annoying, maybe you just cant be targeted with melee or spells 50% of the time for 20 second with a 1 min cooldown
Wiz Melee ->
Undead Cleric Melee ->
Originally Posted by Cordovan
Just right off the bat, we could change my Fire bonuses to be untyped damage. Name it like "Your XXX deal Demonic damage" but in reality it would be untyped damage. Change all the bonuses to untyped and there you have it. This would also solve the problem with casters not having the option to increase their Force Spellpower.
Btw, I ignore summons because they suck in DDO. I'd love to have a demon summon if it was actually worth something. I'd rather not have it than have an useless summon with me who could cause trouble to the party![]()