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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Question Leveling up on Lamannia

    Is there a way of instantly leveling up to lvl 20? I want to test some of the new enhancements, but I don't want to spend days to leveling up a character that will be deleted soon.

    Am I missing here anything?
    - I do not have a lvl 20 toon of every class so that I could transfer it to Lamannia
    - Lesser reincarnation has one week cooldown and can only swap 3 class levels
    - Veteran status II only levels up instantly to lvl 7
    - Bigby's handy box with the XP stone for going instantly from 7 to 15 is not available in the Lamannia ddo store

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    May 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by crobi View Post
    Is there a way of instantly leveling up to lvl 20? I want to test some of the new enhancements, but I don't want to spend days to leveling up a character that will be deleted soon.

    Am I missing here anything?
    - I do not have a lvl 20 toon of every class so that I could transfer it to Lamannia
    - Lesser reincarnation has one week cooldown and can only swap 3 class levels
    - Veteran status II only levels up instantly to lvl 7
    - Bigby's handy box with the XP stone for going instantly from 7 to 15 is not available in the Lamannia ddo store
    Unless they change something when Lamannia returns, you can gain enough XP to hit level 20 or cap by talking to the Guide (I think that's his name).

    To find the Guide, you go to the Trainer area of the Marketplace. There's a teleporting doorway near one of the stairs, go through to get into the Dojo. Once in the Dojo, the Guide is in the room on the right hand side on the other side of the platform. There's a bunch of trainers standing around that area. It might take a minute or two for all the NPCs to appear, but he'll be in that room. Talk to him and he will give you XP so you can go level up to whereever you seek.

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2006


    Cool, thanks! The portal is indeed near the marketplace trainers. Also, the area provides you with infinite wealth and equipment.

    If any moderator reads this, might I suggest putting this information in some FAQ, maybe this one:

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