Couple quick questions - forgive me if these were mentioned elsewhere:
Durable defense: If I take 3/3 in Durable Defense, I am not allowed to take any more Durable Defense as part of Improved Sacred Defense - I assume this is WAI, although at first glance it seemed confusing. I'll have to go back and look and see if there's any path I would take through that tree that would use the Durable Defense part of the Improved Sacred Defense choices higher in the tree. If that wasn't intended, of course I would love even more durable defense. I'm not sure that increased threat generation is of any use on my build that frequently solos, and although every +1 saving throw does help, it doesn't help that much as +1 is just +1, just like +1 to AC doesn't seem at least at first glance to be that big a deal under current AC/PRR rules.
Censure Demons / Outsiders, very cool, it says "On Vorpal". Do I assume this means a vorpal striek from a vorpal weapon? I seem to recall there was some other ability (was it an enhancement) that gave any weapon the vorpal ability. Am I wrong or was there something I missed?
(P.s. I love the access to Dragonmarks for Humans...and if by chance I end up with any extra AP it would sure save me a feat or two. Oh for just 4 or 8 more AP!)