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  1. #1
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    Default Qu: Paladin Durable Defense and Censure Demons

    Couple quick questions - forgive me if these were mentioned elsewhere:

    Durable defense: If I take 3/3 in Durable Defense, I am not allowed to take any more Durable Defense as part of Improved Sacred Defense - I assume this is WAI, although at first glance it seemed confusing. I'll have to go back and look and see if there's any path I would take through that tree that would use the Durable Defense part of the Improved Sacred Defense choices higher in the tree. If that wasn't intended, of course I would love even more durable defense. I'm not sure that increased threat generation is of any use on my build that frequently solos, and although every +1 saving throw does help, it doesn't help that much as +1 is just +1, just like +1 to AC doesn't seem at least at first glance to be that big a deal under current AC/PRR rules.

    Censure Demons / Outsiders, very cool, it says "On Vorpal". Do I assume this means a vorpal striek from a vorpal weapon? I seem to recall there was some other ability (was it an enhancement) that gave any weapon the vorpal ability. Am I wrong or was there something I missed?


    (P.s. I love the access to Dragonmarks for Humans...and if by chance I end up with any extra AP it would sure save me a feat or two. Oh for just 4 or 8 more AP!)

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by My2Cents View Post
    Censure Demons / Outsiders, very cool, it says "On Vorpal". Do I assume this means a vorpal striek from a vorpal weapon? I seem to recall there was some other ability (was it an enhancement) that gave any weapon the vorpal ability. Am I wrong or was there something I missed?
    You're missing something.

    "On Vorpal" means that you have rolled a confirmed 20. So you have roughly a 5% chance on each swing to stun Demons, Evil Outsiders and Chaotic Outsider trash for 3 seconds. Any weapon will do, with any or no prefix or suffix.

    Edit: I also forgot to include that when it says "On Vorpal" that it does not gain the Vorpal effect ability at all. There is no extra damage and no instant killing for mobs with less than 1000 HP. "On Vorpal" as being used in here (and most enhancements, except Ninja Master) does not gain the Vorpal ability; it just means a confirmed 20 was rolled.
    Last edited by oradafu; 07-09-2013 at 04:22 PM.

  3. #3
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    Oct 2009


    Ah I see, so in my mind I can replace the words "On Vorpal" with "On a Confirmed 20".

    And -not- a "confirmed critical".

    Thanks for the clarify!

    Quote Originally Posted by oradafu View Post
    You're missing something.

    "On Vorpal" means that you have rolled a confirmed 20. So you have roughly a 5% chance on each swing to stun Demons, Evil Outsiders and Chaotic Outsider trash for 3 seconds. Any weapon will do, with any or no prefix or suffix.

    Edit: I also forgot to include that when it says "On Vorpal" that it does not gain the Vorpal effect ability at all. There is no extra damage and no instant killing for mobs with less than 1000 HP. "On Vorpal" as being used in here (and most enhancements, except Ninja Master) does not gain the Vorpal ability; it just means a confirmed 20 was rolled.

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