To sum things up...I am so sick of soloing 95% of this game. I can mostly overlook all the bugs. I can ignore most of the lag. I can try to forget about the bizarre game changes. But I cannot get around the utter lack of groups in this game. And it isn't even due to lack of people on a given day or time. The Who list is full of people at every level. There just don't seem to be any guilds or people on Orien that play how I play. Not one.
Leveling a TR is a gigantic headache. It's not that I can't solo these quests, it's that they are painfully boring or take five times longer to solo than if people actually hit some LFMs. Yeah I don't want to chance losing that 10% xp by joining a pug. It's better to gain 0 xp and AFK on an airship or the bank. Post an LFM and rarely does anyone join even for high xp quests. Look for an LFM and...well...there aren't any in range.
Trying to acquire gear from raids or high end quests is out of the question now. Most raids are practically discontinued and others are rarely ran or require special access. If you don't know the host, declined. If you aren't in the right channel, declined. If you don't automatically know content you haven't ran before, declined.
Where are the people who just want to have fun, get gear, and earn xp? You have the new and casual players who want to have fun, but they don't really strive for the awesome gear and xp farming. Then you have the players who are obsessed with gear and/or xp. But they seem to make it their life mission to sap every ounce of fun from the game as possible and to insult everyone who isn't like them.
I haven't run across a single guild in the years I've played now that falls into the right mix of fun and advancement. Guilds just end up being places to acquire ship buffs to make soloing easier. They are all either empty, full of soloers, elitists, or some other extreme. I only have a handful of people on my friend's list that are worth partying with anymore. And even then they don't have the same play-styles so I'm still soloing for the most part.
I want to TR characters. I want to run raids. I want to acquire high end gear. I want to make my characters stronger and more fun to play. I also don't care about deaths. I don't care if someone doesn't know everything. I don't care if there's a break between quests. I don't care if people actually want to talk sometimes and take it easy. The vast majority of the issues in this game I lay at the feet of the player-base. The players are ruining what was a fun game.
So here's some popcorn. I'll wipe down the Lock Thread button so that it's ready to go. I'm not going to be responding to this thread so feel free to say how easy it is for you to find groups and have fun and that I'm just terrible or something. Feel free to post comments that confirm you didn't read a single word I posted. My favorite is "Post your own LFM". Because I've never tried that...yeah. Also feel free to insult me via some PMs. I don't like the forum layout so I never see or read those anyways.