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  1. #1
    Community Member rest's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Default Super laggy on Lamannia. Just me?

    I logged in to Lamannia last night to try to get a look at the "beta" for the enhancements on an actual character, instead of just via wiki/PDF. It seemed to take FOREVER for me to log on (at least 5 minutes, I got up and made some sandwiches during the initial load), and then loading elements of the game world dropped my framerate down to about 5 (especially loading into the test dojo) from a norm of 62. Is this because I have the Lamannia client on a regular spin drive and my live client on SSD? I get virtually no load time and no lag when playing on live, but I logged out of Lamannia after about 15 minutes trying to do anything in the dojo without stutter stepping all over the place and freezing in place. Super frustrating.

    My machine isn't super top of the line(first gen i7 with 12GB ram and decent vid card), but I have 0 issues with the live client. Does the SSD make THAT much of a difference? Have I been on it so long that I've become spoiled and forgot how bad using a spin drive is?

    I've decided I should be the change I want to see in the encrapment pass, but if I can't even navigate around the dojo to test stuff out, there is a 0% chance I'll submit feedback and bug reports.

    I may try again tonight and put my graphics down to minecraft level, but then again I might not. Ugh.

  2. #2
    Community Member Grailhawk's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    If you don't have to level a character get out of the dojo. The crippling lag was only in the dojo for me once I was out in the Fends (Used EE Sobrian for beat downs) or the market place I had no issues.

  3. #3
    Community Member rest's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Grailhawk View Post
    If you don't have to level a character get out of the dojo. The crippling lag was only in the dojo for me once I was out in the Fends (Used EE Sobrian for beat downs) or the market place I had no issues.
    Maybe I'll give that a go. I can always level up at regular trainers rather than in the dojo, once I get my XP.

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