I have found current implementation of the LFG useless. What that is doing? It sets the LFG flag on me, so everybody can find me in the who-list with the LFG only filter. Nothing more. I can write some comment with that flag ... but i did never see it anywhere. I can also choose a quest for LFG resulting to worse chance to find a group (nobody will invite me into other quests)
I suggest:
- notifications: When I am flagged as LFG, I will receive a notification through the chat window with an appropriate sound effect about any new LFM that match my level and the LFM's requirements. Text in the notification should contain leader's comment, level range and choosen difficult (Notification should appear once for every new LFM, but requirements should be re-checked everytime the leader updates LFM).
- difficult choose: Instead choosing a quest for LFG, i wish to choose a favorite difficult. For example: Elite only LFG - then I should receive a notification when an elite quest appear in th LFM.
- shortcut from the LFM creation panel to the Who-list with results for required level range, classes and LFG filter turned on to easy pickup any LFG toon.
Nowdays, i can see a few players using the LFG (including me). There are max two or three ppls having the LFG set. Make the LFG better and i guarantee that everybody will use it
EDIT: Additional suggestion: Notification when there are two or more ppls with the LFG in the zone/town on similar level. Notification should carry name, class, race, level and should appear only once per character until i reset the flag.