The Unyielding Mountain
The build is 12 Fighter, 6 Monk, 2 pally. The build is based around being centered with any weapon of your choosing. For example, you can use a Epic Sword of Shadow in Ultimate Mountain Stance and Defensive Strikes Stance(you won't be uncentered). It has decent dps capabilities thanks to the Kensai, evasion from monk, and saves from paladin.
Racial Tree:
Stats: 32 point build, +4 con tome needed.
(more tomes and Reincarnates dramatically change the stat layout)
Stat Level Ups:
(for a better image click here:
For the feats start at Fighter. (1-12 fighter, 12-18 monk, 18-20 pally) The feat build also assumes you're going to use slashing weapons for endgame.
Racial Bonus Feat:
- Stunning Blow
- Two Handed Fighting
- Cleave
- Toughness
- Improved Critical: Slashing Weapons
- Greater Two Handed Fighting
- Improved Sunder
- Master of Forms
Fighter Bonus:
- Power Attack
- Weapon Focus: Slashing Weapons
- Weapon Specialization: Slashing Weapons
- Great Cleave
- Improved Two Handed Fighting
- Greater Weapon Focus: Slashing
- Greater Weapon Specialization: Slashing Weapons
Monk Bonus:
- Dodge
- Combat Expertise
- Path of Harmonious Balance: Fists of Light
- Mobility
Epic Feats:
- Grandmaster of Forms
- Overwhelming Critical
- Epic Toughness
Epic Destiny:
- Legendary Dreadnaught
Defensive passives: The passives below are without any items, buffs or twists.
- Permanent 25% incorporeality
- Passive 22% dodge
- Passive 40% healing amp
- Passive 85 PRR, 95 PRR when under 50% hp
- Passive 75% threat generation
- Passive 576 hp (with endgame gear 831 hp)
- Evasion
- Range of unconsciousness extended to -30 hp without dying
Everything is on Lamannia, which is subject to change.