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  1. #1
    Hero karpedieme's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Default Epic Shield Mastery Suggestion as New Epic Feat

    Howdy Folks

    One Feat I was looking forward to possiblly being added to the list back in U14

    It would definitely be inline with Epic Spell Focus, Epic toughness and such.... And would contribute to end-gamme EE damage mitigation for some builds.

    Bulwark of defense was pretty much a huge let down with changes to AC and such....

    Epic Shield Mastery

    Prereq... Shield Mastery = 3 when using a buckler or small shield, 5 when using a large shield, or 10 with a tower shield

    Prereq....Imp Shield Mastery = 5 when using a buckler or small shield, 10 when using a large shield, or 15 with a tower shield

    Epic Shield Mastery = 10-20-30 or something maybe more along the lines to scale with diminishing returnns as the number go way up.... Each slice of 50 PRR presents quite a loss of PRR gained % wise.....

    Buff from Shield Mastery to Improved Shield Mastery is actually quite poor considering diminishing returns also on live.....

    This would also make very good sense in areas where S&B builds would lose their stance if they went TWF or THF.... Definitwely a Buff to stay S&B and not get forced out of stance as was seen on lamma.

    Thanks for your consideration and have a great day.

    Last edited by karpedieme; 07-03-2013 at 10:07 AM.
    Thelanis Server Accolyte 21 PL FVS Completionist Super Soul Accelerated 20 PL Completionist Super Sorc Accessory 3 Ranger 3 Sorc 1 Wiz PL Artificer Accusal 3 FVS 3 Wiz PL Pale Master Accxer Mathbane Barb PL Barbarian Acc 3 FVS 3 Wiz PL Pale Master Ctrl 3 FVS 3 Wiz PL Archmage Jati 3 Monk 3 Ftr PL Tactics Monk Somnath 3 Monk 3 Ftr PL Dark Monk

  2. #2
    Community Member Teh_Troll's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2013


    Have you seen what they did to defender builds?

    Nobody in their right mind is going to play a toon with a shield.

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