Can offer plat and lots of mid-level stuff, including Vale ingredients. I don't have any epic gianthold items.
In-game: most often Soodar, Mystaras, Sensate
Can offer plat and lots of mid-level stuff, including Vale ingredients. I don't have any epic gianthold items.
In-game: most often Soodar, Mystaras, Sensate
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"
- Deathspell [Human 20FvS - Heroic Completionist + 2Clr, 2FvS, 2Ftr, 2Pal, 2Src, 2Wiz - 1 Martial] -
- Xavena [Bladeforged 15Wiz/3FvS/2Mnk - 2Src, 1Wiz - 2 Arcane, 3 Divine, 3 Primal] -
- Zavan [Morninglord 20Wiz - 1Brd, 3FvS, 3Wiz - 1 Divine] -
- Zavvan [SK 20Wlk - Heroic Completionist (1 Wlk, 3 others) - Epic Completionist (9 Divine, 9 Martial, 3 Arcane, 3 Primal) - 2 Bladeforged, 3 PDK] -