Hi devies.

So, nowadays there's a "per tree" requirement on points spent in order to pick high tiered enhancements.
We asked about removing the "per tree" restriction, making it "points spent in total", but seemingly you devs don't like the idea.
Meanwhile, we now can put enhancements in 7 trees instead of 4. As you can see, we have too few points to make a real use of this change, and "per tree" restriction doesn't help. Who is going to use more than 4 trees?

My suggestion is to make it a "points spent per class" kind of restriction, unlocking higher tiers of all trees of a given class based on all points spent in all trees of that class. This way, we could benefit from multiclassing while still focusing on a single class.
If you think this would be too light, you can raise number of points required, maintaining the "per class" split.

Something different should be done for race trees. In such a scenario, the most suitable solution would be giving them a "points spent in total" restriction, essentially making them limited only by character level (the same as now on live). Obviously i'm not talking of a 0/5/10/20 requirement like it is now, this should be raised.

I hope this helps you find a balancing system. Regards.