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  1. #1
    Founder dragonofsteel2's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Default Hmm did you change anything?

    Did the enhancements change for the casters. They seem to still suck. It seems about the same as last time I looked. Really did not see much change to the rangers one either. The AI looks nicer though, I guess that what there big change was. Is this all we got to look forward to? You broke up the prestige class and made them more cost to get the old 8 point. Yeah so the couple points we saved getting some things cheaper is now spent on dumb prestige line. Yes if want the only good free cold spell you have to spend 9 action points to get it at the old level. Hmm use to get this spending 8 action points and you got everything else to. That a great change hmm. NOT. Have to spend to get Awaken weakness and icy prison to hmm. Yup this is great things that use to come for 8 action points now make use spend more then 20 to get them all. That a great deal. Not to mention have to spend 2 AP on stupid water breather LMAO really. IT nothing more then a convenience. Also attaching to icy prison. making that cost 4 AP in reality.

    Is this the change we are getting for enhancements. If so really not listening to the people. If this just another chance to get more thoughts on it fine. If going to break the ability up like this they need to be cheaper and have more affects. Second with Spell power coming from points in your lines is just plan stupid. Now if want to maximize my damage as caster I have to give up any form of versatility with racial enhancements. Lets make all melee damage base on points they spend in there prestige class abilities. HMM does it seem like stupid idea yet? It forces you to spend points were really don't want to. In turn taking choose away.

    If this what we have in store for use it just a big NERF to SORC's and you lose more and more trust from your player base. Reality I know you have to change things to keep them new and fun. Though killing classes and builds gives me less trust in you. I Do not want to keep rebuilding my characters. If wanted to do that just can go play a different game with a ton new quest to me. I really don't like TR'ing rebuilding toons all the time. I want to find a character I like to play and have trust that you will not kill it. Just because old systems are not perfect does not mean you have to go back and redo them all the time. They will never will be prefect. I hope this system changes a ton before release.

    Go back to core class abilities and have prestige be like they are now. Really open this system up to ton of problems if do not. Have Spell power done by player choose. No more TEMP. SPELL POINTS THINGS. Really all they are is your next spell cost 3 less spell points. If this what you want just make all cold spells cost 2 less spell points. I hate this stupid buffs covering my screen. I know why doing though it so don't have to keep track million things stacking up. Hmm how about absolute min. casting cost? For the spell. Solves the issue if people stack to much together. Just my thoughts on it. Have a great day .

  2. #2
    Community Member fangblackhawk's Avatar
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    Jan 2012

    Thumbs down

    one other point o this is they took away my second line of sla's as an AM i never put many points in the second line but it was handy to have it there to use and in general not one thing that was said about the AM tree was looked at..... thanks for ignoring us ddo/turbine/ warner brothers....... i know i submited my reports like you asked us too glad i wasted my time..... if this is what goes live whats the point..... and you want us to pay for this misirable excuse for fixing things so many things that i can do on live are missing now guess the devs really don't play the game after all just show up to work and hang out at the water cooler then put out what ever they hapen to of gotten done inbetween breaks *** am i gonna play for a game now i wonder ..... guess they never heard if it ain't broke don't fix it.... cuz they broke alot .... like my skills now doing damage instead of diploing agrro back on the agro monkeys smh

  3. #3
    2014 DDO Players Council ishr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dragonofsteel2 View Post
    If this what we have in store for use it just a big NERF to SORC's and you lose more and more trust from your player base. Reality I know you have to change things to keep them new and fun. Though killing classes and builds gives me less trust in you. I Do not want to keep rebuilding my characters. If wanted to do that just can go play a different game with a ton new quest to me. I really don't like TR'ing rebuilding toons all the time. I want to find a character I like to play and have trust that you will not kill it. Just because old systems are not perfect does not mean you have to go back and redo them all the time. They will never will be prefect. I hope this system changes a ton before release.

    Go back to core class abilities and have prestige be like they are now. Really open this system up to ton of problems if do not. Have Spell power done by player choose. No more TEMP. SPELL POINTS THINGS. Really all they are is your next spell cost 3 less spell points. If this what you want just make all cold spells cost 2 less spell points. I hate this stupid buffs covering my screen. I know why doing though it so don't have to keep track million things stacking up. Hmm how about absolute min. casting cost? For the spell. Solves the issue if people stack to much together. Just my thoughts on it. Have a great day .
    the strange thing is that the stated goal of enhancement changes is a an asthetic interface thing. the fact that they are trying to make the sorc unplayable at all costs seems like a clear attempt to nerf the sorc into oblivion. the reasons are usually to adjust overpowered characters, but to make the sorc. inferior in every way to the wizard makes NO sense. you raise an important point though, it isnt just the player base that they will be losing by doing this, but their credibility as devs is going to be ruined as well. lying about the reason for enhancement update, nerfing sorcs and ignoring virtual unanimous outrage at it suggests they dont even care about player input to begin with. if they are just using us for debugging then they should say so, but the rich discussions of other classes makes me think this is also not the case.

    for now, it looks like the sorcerer is gonna be DOA on Launch

  4. #4
    The Hatchery danotmano1998's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ishr View Post
    the strange thing is that the stated goal of enhancement changes is a an asthetic interface thing.
    Not exactly. Their intended goals from what I've read is more like "To be able to add new stuff more easily" and secondly to clean up the interface/ make it more evident what you need to do to follow a class path. (I.E. Showing pre-req's and such).

    But I can't disagree with the stance that the Sorc is getting bent over the old Ale barrel, so to speak.
    <-Curelite Bottling Company->

    Quote Originally Posted by Chilldude
    Dude, did you see they way that guy just pressed button 1? It was amazing! A display of skill unseen since the 1984 World Games where in the men's room, between events, a man washed his hands with such unbridled majesty that people were claiming the faucet he used was OP.

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