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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Default please help a new sorcerer with ED question

    just hit level 20 on my first life sorcerer and getting ready to start the ED fun. looking for advice on whether I should start in Draconic or Fate Singer. I want to work my way around to Shiradi and it's going to be a long time to get there but see two options

    option 1 - start in fate singer right off so I am one step closer to Shiradi. while not great for a Sorcerer, I can at least use the + CHR and a few other things on my way to lvl 4. as soon as I get to lvl 4, move on to Shadow Dancer, etc and get to Shiradi as quickly as possible

    option 2 - start in draconic to build a more useful base ED. once I hit level 3, open up Fate Singer and then switch between Fate and Draconic depending on content. if we are running EN or EH, especially with a good group, then run in Fate to work towards level 4. if I am in a raid or EE, or need more oomph for some reason, run in Draconic. won't hurt to be building that up towards cap in case the new Epic TR changes go in as currently advertised. continue that process as I move through Shadow and LD

    right now I am leaning towards option 2 as I think it gives me a bit more flexibility and by the time I get to Shiradi, I would expect Draconic would be capped as a fall back if the Epic TR goes through.

    but interested in how others made the trip.

    one other option that came to mind. can you actually pick an ED for any class you have 6 or more levels in as a multi-class character? if you can, one other (expensive) option would be to LR to 6 barbarian before selecting a destiny and just start in Shiradi. once I have it selected, then LR back into 20 Sorc.

    in the long run, I need destiny levels for twists any way, so going to be traveling all over the spheres at some point but the barb option is somewhat appealing if that would really work.

  2. #2
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
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    Nov 2006


    This would by my approach: (Keep in mind I'm ignoring what will or will not happen to ED xp and hoping that they don't touch it)

    1. Open with Fatesinger for 4 levels. To get ED to Level 4 is 1,080,000 XP which will put you at level 22 and have 1 1/3 Fate Points
    2. Move to Draconic for 3 levels. +720,000 XP you will still be Level 23 and have 2 1/3 Fate Points and some low level twists
    3. Move to Shadow for 3 Levels. +720,000 XP will have you at Level 24 3 1/3 Fate Points
    4. Move to LD for 4 Levels. +1,080,000 will see you cap at Level 25 and you will have 4 2/3 Fate Points
    5. Move to SC xp farm to level 5 or Cap and have 6 1/3 Fate Points

    Then clean up EDs for twists/points

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Apr 2013


    This works well:

    Get lvl 3 draconic, and get a single point in magister for threat reduction as a twist.

    Level to 25 maxing draconic.

    Respec air savant for movement, spend 30 hours RB farming for 4/1/1 twists.

    Respec to the element you want, end up as Shiradi with energy burst, cocoon, and boulder toss twisted.

  4. #4
    Community Member Sokól's Avatar
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    Apr 2013


    I usually start in Magister to get the tier 2 +3 evocation twist then max draconic to have the caster raid ready, then the ED grind starts
    Argonnessen: Hilmir - Purkilius - Jinu - Vignir @ Blood Assassin´s

  5. #5
    Community Member pappo's Avatar
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    May 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Tilomere View Post
    This works well:

    Respec air savant for movement, spend 30 hours RB farming for 4/1/1 twists.
    What is "RB farming" ? Please decode "RB" for me. Thanks

  6. #6
    Community Member Soulfurnace's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pappo View Post
    What is "RB farming" ? Please decode "RB" for me. Thanks
    Rusted Blades.
    Aka really boring quest, that you will do until your eyes bleed. And then some, most likely.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    thanks for the suggestions everyone.

    and the winner is --- a nice 3 way tie one vote each for starting in fate, draconic and magister. in the long run, it probably doesn't matter much as you need a lot of fate points.

  8. #8
    Community Member
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    May 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Soulfurnace View Post
    Rusted Blades.
    Aka really boring quest, that you will do until your eyes bleed. And then some, most likely.
    By which he means "do until you eyes bleed.... then take a break from it until tomorrow when you can again run it til your eyes bleed".

    Rusted blades used to be the standard ED XP farm because it can be run in literally about 2 or 2.5 minutes for ~20k xp. But now, many people will instead run impossible demands, death undone, or even VON3. The good news about that is you don't have to run any one quest 800 times. Instead you can run 4 quests 200 times each =)

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