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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Default Account-wide DDO Store points purchase issues [aka won't accept any payment methods]


    For a very long time, about 3 years, i had one single account. I have never encountered any issues with in-game DDO Store that were unique. Up until first expansion came out. I cannot tell exact date, but some time after MotU launch i started encountering a ver yspecific problem, which only recently turned out to be not unique to my case. I have a buddy in game with the same story, and he right now is in the same situation. I'm afraid the following issue might be much more wide-spread, only people either keep dismissing it as being unique, or just gave up talking to Turbine Support. More about competent support staff later.

    Long story short, some time after MotU launch Turbine was performing multiple game-wide account maintenaces, bug fixes, whatever. Half a year later - on top of all **** that we had with MotU launch - Turbine decided existing issues are not enough for their sick pleasure, so they started poking forums to death. Right after that one-two MORE account maintenances followed. Point is, somewhere in between all twisted magic tricks Turbine... well, don't know how to say it without swearing... borked some accounts, apparently. At first, when i saw that DDO Store does NOT want my cards nor PayPal account, i dismissed this, as many people do, for the reasons stated above. But after many strangely suspicious fixes to Turbine Accounts system problem did not go away. During a very very extended period of time i repeatedly stumbled upon angry DDO Store stating the following every single time:

    I tried few different cards, results are the same;

    Oh, hey, that was PayPal. But DDO Store said "meh" anyway.

    You would say at this point that i should submit a ticket to account support staff. Well, did that. Almost 10 times. I have a new buddy now - he is a bot at Turbine Inc. And that my new buddy is always happy to see me, so happy that he does not get tired of asking me to CALL HIM. Call him and fax him my card's info. Seriously, are you kidding me???

    But wait, it gets even better now. Not so long ago i decided to create second account, in April 2013 to be exact. And guess what? There are no issues with Turbine Point purchases whatsoever. NONE.

    Summing up, i have the following: two accounts (main account is 3-4 years old), one is borked, newer is not, yet Turbine Support tries to convince me it is a CARD issue (PalyPal glitch). But it is absolutely clear that it is anything but. In the end, i am left with no options to spend my money on buying TPs and Turbine refuses to admit it's their fault.
    Anyone who have encountered this particular issue, please sign below. Please remember, this problem with account have occured right after first expansion release. I hope this will eventually have the attention of people who are able to fix it. We only gotta make all this public.
    PS: One addition. Turbine support, both live and not, you suck. I have few friends in game, who - hold on to your hats - have encountered THE SAME issue. They also did submit tickets asking for help, and company just did nothing. That is, Turbine dismissed all accusations of this being their fault stating, yet again, that customer's credit/debit cards AND PayPal accounts are broken/glitching/not valid.
    Last edited by Avalmaar; 06-25-2013 at 05:10 AM. Reason: signature
    "Being stupid is not the reason to cry. People cry because they are sad. I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad."

    Rhow, officer of Clan Battlehammer, Cannith

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