I am pretty sure someone at Turbine might know tomorrow/today.
A stunning collapse of Tabula Rasa proportions.
I am pretty sure someone at Turbine might know tomorrow/today.
A stunning collapse of Tabula Rasa proportions.
Put it this way... expect a new Lobster cosmetic pet in the store soon. Those lobsters aren't going to pay for themselves.
Maj's first post, close to the bottom
Where I live we catch our own Rock Lobster (We call them Crayfish) it costs next to nothing and they are either caught snorkeling or by a method known as bobbing, in fact you could say that getting out on the rocks and catching Lobster doesn't just cost nothing, but is so enjoyable just being out in nature and enjoying the natural environment here on the West Coast of the South Island of New Zealand, that many people would be willing to pay for the privilege.
This is all irrelevant though as I would only catch a couple on a trip and I'm unsure how many the Boston Turbine crew will need to feed the Chicago crew, + I'm sure they probably don't want to pay Iced Air Freight.
Smallmans Syndrome, Rovac, Dragnipur, Prettyhater Machine, Lubed, Castinfist
Emmpeethree, Hyperkill Hyperthrill and Greyvegas (All on Khyber)
Whatever they cost, it'll be cheaper for Turbine to get them being on a coastal state that someone in a landlocked one like me.Or maybe they plan to go catch their own...
Turtel, Turtley Wrath, Tortoisse, Waterssong, Victerr Creed, Utahraptor, Velocaraptor, Minddancer, Loggerhead, Matamata, Sulcata, Ticerratops, Sierrann, Hankx, Shartelhane
Member of Highlords of Malkier! Help channel, everyone welcome in this channel!
Well living in Boston I will say two things about the subject and in posted reply
1) To answer the question chicken lobsters (less then 1.5 lbs) are running at about $6.99-$7.99 a pound for live and anything larger about $8.99-$10.99 a pound. At least that's what I've seen recently. Depends on where you go. If you go to Legal Seafoods to get them you will pay through the nose, nevermind shipping costs in dry ice. A normal supermarket will be cheaper. Since the lobsters at both the supermarket and Legals are kept alive "freshness" shouldn't really be a factor/concern and both would be about the same quality. As a note last year there was a huge over abundance and lobster dropped to $3.99 a pound. I was eating it about twice a week for a while. Cheaper than steak. It was fantastic.
2) As for our friend down under some of us in Boston also dive for our own though usually not snorkeling. There was about a 3 year period where I dove every weekend and would come up with about 10-14 lobsters a tank. I'd cook them up, shell them and have people over and it was great. I had so much lobster those years. Lobster omelets, in my sandwiches, as snacks. I love lobster. However in New England if you're going to be diving down you are probably going to want a wetsuit. Of course you can snorkel with a weight belt to offset the buoyancy, but as you start to add wetsuit, gear, etc it becomes a pain (especially cleaning it when you're done) and as you get older it is so much more appealing (read: easier) to just buy them. Not to say I don't miss diving for them, but now I prefer to go for a hike or mountain bike and swing in on the way and grab a few.
As to the why the lobsters are necessary and the OPs thread. It's because the Bruins played a great 50 minutes of hockey. The problem is that they needed to play 60 minutes of it. I thought it was a sure thing. We were dominating the boards, putting on a shooting clinic in front of Crawford and the first Hawks goal was in my opinion soft. With Rencourt ensuring a win with 4 unprecedented fist pumps I figured it was a matter of formality completing the game. I guess after it went up 2-1 the Bruins thought so too and rather than dump it on just tried to run out the clock. They got what they deserved, but the rest of us Boston fans didn't. Chicago stayed with it and played the full game. I hate you Chicago right now, but it will pass. You're still my second favorite sports town. Well done and gratz. Can I haz your stuffz?
Dear Turbine,
I can send you pictures of our famous Deep Dish Pizza :P
Farog on Khyber - DDO Char Builder Lite updates -> https://github.com/ChristopherGLewis/ddo-lite-tools
I also live in Boston, and I have no idea how much live lobsters cost, as I only eat those I catch myself. Hopefully I will have some this coming Saturday.
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"
Don't their lobsters have claws? while our crayfish don't have any? Anyway never dived on the west coast only the east *kaikoura* which is aptly named btw. If im hungry which I generally am, diving and swimming makes me famished I can easily polish off one big cray on my own yes even the head though I dont like that part as much as the tail but I feel greedy eating all the tails and leaving the heads/legs for everyone else.