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  1. #1
    Founder Feihung's Avatar
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    Default Near Delaware? Hate the Westboro Baptist Church? Well their coming July 1st

    I don't think I need to make a plea to not get into a religious or political discussion here, DDO has a fairly mature playerbase.

    WBC is coming to Delaware on July 1st to protest some recent legislation that was passed into law. If you are nearby and would want to be part of the growing counter protest then please check out this facebook page.!/events/5..._mall_activity

    We have over 350 people going so far and it is growing by the hour. So grab your best costume and wittiest sign and join us for a peaceful counter demonstration.

    We do not encourage violence nor do we tolerate it on the FB page for organizing this.

    So if interested sign up and if you need a ride let us know and arrangements will try to be made.

    Peace Health and Happiness
    Thelanis - Solo Artists (level 15 guild)
    Saihung - 16 Ranger : Narir - 12 Wizard: Doodlebrain Wisenhammer - 8 Paladin
    Fuirwyn HalfFull - 14 Rogue Mechanic: Nephtalia Treehugger - 6 Druid: Wusai - 6 Fighter

  2. #2
    Founder Feihung's Avatar
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    I used their insted of they're.

    I deserve some abuse for that:P
    Thelanis - Solo Artists (level 15 guild)
    Saihung - 16 Ranger : Narir - 12 Wizard: Doodlebrain Wisenhammer - 8 Paladin
    Fuirwyn HalfFull - 14 Rogue Mechanic: Nephtalia Treehugger - 6 Druid: Wusai - 6 Fighter

  3. #3
    Community Member Bekki's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Feihung View Post
    I used their insted of they're.

    I deserve some abuse for that
    Very well...

    No Drink for you!

    *Coulda' resisted but didn't.
    Last edited by Bekki; 06-20-2013 at 10:41 AM.
    Official Muskateers Bartender
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  4. #4
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Feihung View Post

    So if interested sign up and if you need a ride let us know and arrangements will try to be made.

    Peace Health and Happiness

    I do! I do! I need a ride!

    ...Just being up the highway, maybe I can just hitch along with ol' Phelps's fam.


    But seriously - Good luck with the stand. He has become a master at harassing/insulting others from behind his 'protection'.
    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

  5. #5
    Founder Feihung's Avatar
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    I wanted to dress up as a half man half woman and make out with myself. My friends tell me this is a terrible idea....which as they know only encourages me.
    Thelanis - Solo Artists (level 15 guild)
    Saihung - 16 Ranger : Narir - 12 Wizard: Doodlebrain Wisenhammer - 8 Paladin
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  6. #6
    Community Member RyonsAlt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Feihung View Post
    I wanted to dress up as a half man half woman and make out with myself. My friends tell me this is a terrible idea....which as they know only encourages me.
    I wish you the best of luck, sir. I hope everything stays civil and peaceful.
    Last edited by RyonsAlt; 06-20-2013 at 06:46 PM. Reason: Rewording to be more careful

  7. #7
    Community Member Toro12's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Feihung View Post
    I don't think I need to make a plea to not get into a religious or political discussion here, DDO has a fairly mature playerbase.

    WBC is coming to Delaware on July 1st to protest some recent legislation that was passed into law. If you are nearby and would want to be part of the growing counter protest then please check out this facebook page.!/events/5..._mall_activity

    We have over 350 people going so far and it is growing by the hour. So grab your best costume and wittiest sign and join us for a peaceful counter demonstration.

    We do not encourage violence nor do we tolerate it on the FB page for organizing this.

    So if interested sign up and if you need a ride let us know and arrangements will try to be made.

    Peace Health and Happiness
    I dislike the WBC with a passion (and live super close to DE) but you won't catch me at the counter protest.

    Please don't give them any more attention. They deserve none of our valuable time or thought. Your are just encouraging them.

  8. #8
    Founder Feihung's Avatar
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    Meh. It is my day off. I have a couple of friends getting married that day in Wilmington at the courthouse.

    It couldn't be any more convenient for me.

    I like to think that the counter demonstrations are what help fuel them to question their beliefs. In thae last few years they've had longtime members leave the church and begin speaking out openly against it and their founder.

    if there is a chance that one of them could be nudged into questioning their beliefs, it will be worth it.

    Plus most of the group I am with are a bunch of old punk rockers who relish a moment to get together again in public and annoy someone:P Hopefully it will just be the WBC nutters we annoy.

    If we are there or not there, I guarantee national media will be there because as I've often said, the negative voice is usually the loudest. Well, we plan to be louder and will try to keep them out of the spotlight as much as possible.
    Thelanis - Solo Artists (level 15 guild)
    Saihung - 16 Ranger : Narir - 12 Wizard: Doodlebrain Wisenhammer - 8 Paladin
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  9. #9
    Community Member MarcusCleardawn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Feihung View Post
    I don't think I need to make a plea to not get into a religious or political discussion here, DDO has a fairly mature playerbase.

    WBC is coming to Delaware on July 1st to protest some recent legislation that was passed into law. If you are nearby and would want to be part of the growing counter protest then please check out this facebook page.!/events/5..._mall_activity

    We have over 350 people going so far and it is growing by the hour. So grab your best costume and wittiest sign and join us for a peaceful counter demonstration.

    We do not encourage violence nor do we tolerate it on the FB page for organizing this.

    So if interested sign up and if you need a ride let us know and arrangements will try to be made.

    Peace Health and Happiness
    I find it rather ironic that you post a call to political action and then ask others to refrain from political discussion particularly when you use the term hate in your title on a forum, a term derived from the place of political discussion.

    The people of Delaware enjoy a certain sovereignty and whether or not I agree with their choices, not being a citizen of Delaware, I really have no place involving myself in its politics. You appeal to anyone "near Delaware" indicates that you would have non-citizens of Delaware attempt to influence the laws and policies of a sovereign state in which they have no real stake. The WBC or whoever they are have a right to protest just as you do, but I find it disingenuous to use the term hate in your title, encourage "scabs" and others without any real stake in the laws and policies of Delaware to influence its laws, and then appeal to non-violent civil demonstration.

  10. #10
    The Hatchery Cernunan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MarcusCleardawn View Post
    I find it rather ironic that you post a call to political action and then ask others to refrain from political discussion particularly when you use the term hate in your title on a forum, a term derived from the place of political discussion.
    Please take about 1 min to goggle WBC Then you will understand.
    Any discussion of those morons would lead to an inevitable closure of the thread, which is what the OP is trying to prevent.
    Quote Originally Posted by nobodynobody1426 View Post
    If you look across all the changes it's basically a giant nerf to all the stuff we used to use while trying to force folks into theme based playstyles.
    Quote Originally Posted by PermaBanned View Post
    Profit quantity has been prioritized above product quality. (Note: this quote was from 2013, things never change)

  11. #11
    Community Member MarcusCleardawn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cernunan View Post
    Please take about 1 min to goggle WBC Then you will understand.
    Any discussion of those morons would lead to an inevitable closure of the thread, which is what the OP is trying to prevent.
    Ad hominem attacks and name calling tend to close threads. I advocate for neither side, having no stake in the outcome it would be inappropriate. However, I will note in passing, that ad hominem attacks and name calling are often the resort of those who recognize the inferiority of their own position.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by MarcusCleardawn View Post
    I find it rather ironic that you post a call to political action and then ask others to refrain from political discussion particularly when you use the term hate in your title on a forum, a term derived from the place of political discussion.
    I'm not a fan of WBC, but I noticed the same thing you did too.. and quite frankly found it a little offensive. WBC being offensive doesn't justify others doing so. Even more so when you consider that WBC has not posted in this forum.

  13. #13
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
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    I also am not a fan {especially with my military background}, but I can't help but notice that this is organizing a counter protest of 300+ against a group of no more than 10.

    Of course the group of no more than 10 got a permit.

    My experiences with protests show that groups of 100+ are very hard to control and for some reason Mob mentality takes over especially if their is heated disagreement.

    So I ask, since I did not see this information - will your counter protest also be getting a permit? Will it be notifying local law enforcement that their will be an influx of 300+ (Which I can't imagine would potentially block access by shear numbers to threw traffic)

    I just don't want the local police to be surprised, with foreknowledge they can do a lot to be prepared to keep the protest and counter protest peaceful.

  14. #14
    Community Member enochiancub's Avatar
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    I'm a big ole 'mo and even I think posting this here was a poor idea. Especially knowing how much folk here love to argue and attempt to make each other look foolish.

    Main: 18 Artificer, Thelanis

  15. #15
    Founder Feihung's Avatar
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    *reads new posts*

    Anyway, up to 450+ now to counter the KANSAS *ahem* church that is coming into Delaware to protest how we have democratically chosen to treat people in our state.

    If this thread is offensive to anyone, all means report it. I've no problem with that. And if it is removed then I will take something from that, learn, and move on from there.

    And if anyone is interested in the particulars, the permit to demonstrate has been a clear priority for myself and others. As far as their numbers...I see no relevance. Is the insinuation that we should limit ourselves to their numbers?

    I won't argue semantics about the word hate in my title. I could have said "dislike with extreme emotion" but there is not much room allotted for the title.

    Really though, If this thread has garnered even one more voice of support that will be there on Monday July 1st outside of the Wilmington courthouse, then it has served its purpose.

    Tell you what, I will take the next step for you and have it closed if they will do so.

    Thelanis - Solo Artists (level 15 guild)
    Saihung - 16 Ranger : Narir - 12 Wizard: Doodlebrain Wisenhammer - 8 Paladin
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