I/We can't copy over characters since they show on the DDO.com/Character Copy site as still on Lammy.
Ziind Stargazer - Level 12 fighter/6 Barbarian/2 rogue Half-Orc (Neutral Good) - Formerly a level 20 Paladin Human - Orien
Fernian Summer Carnival
Squeak! Please pass this along to the "cleaner of Character transfers".
I actually want to log into Lamania and test things. I just don't want to creat a new character and go gear hunting is all.... Watching Developers drop gear for players is like watching 5 fat kids fight over a single M&M
Signed. My character list on Lam is empty but character copy lists the ones I want to copy as already there.
Heatherx (Completionist--honest, no stones)
Toryen Warchanter 24 ~ Treslyn Cleric 26 ~ Lohikaerme Druid 24 ~ Khenshii Monk 28
Heroes of Light and Darkness ~ Argonnessen
Me too.
Characters were wiped from Lama a long time ago but they still show as transferred in the copy tool so I can't copy them now.
Conn Niall Paladin
Cormac Mac Airt Ranger/Rogue
If it is a Paladin with some version of Conn.... it is probably me.
I just checked DDO.com/en/character copy and it looks like we are all cleaned out. Can anyone else confirm what I saw on there character copy screen?
Thanks Squeak
Confirmed here : https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthrea...=1#post5029192
On G-Land : Flavilandile, Blacklock, Yaelle, Millishande, Larilandile, Gildalinde, Tenalafel, and many other...