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  1. #1
    Community Member voxson5's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Default Thelanians; Ever wanted your own guild?

    Hi everyone and well met!

    If you've pugged on Thelanis in the last three years, you have probably run with me. So its good to see you again.

    Who am I? I am Souldout (most of the time), guild leader of the Dragonspire Legion. And I have an offer for you.

    Ive got way too much on my plate and am wanting to move to a very casual role, so am looking for people who would enjoy, nurture and grow the guild I have almost single-handed gottern to mid level.

    There has been countless hours of good times, hard work, and satisfaction building the guild. And I would love some one to keep it going, and enjoy it as much as I have.

    Normally leaders defer to 2ic's and officers, but as there are only two guildmates that play for any frequency (and its not much these days), I am reaching out to the community to see if anyone with a good heart, and fair attitude would like to have a go.

    We have had a pretty good name for those who pug and remember us. And I have a few references of quite skilled players that could vouch for us. You wont be inherriting a hated or despised name.

    Anyway, the particulars:
    Level 59
    The... ?? Airship (lv 55 pay with AD one)

    I would like myself, my alts and my guildmate Elegorne to remain on guild roster for the rare occasions that we play.

    Will check in for any interest, not much time now days for forum lurking though

    Would love to hear from you if you are interested.

  2. #2
    Community Member Lycaenifer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Default Good Luck

    Hope you find somebody that will take care of the guild and not abuse it. Good luck to ya mate. Hope to see ya ingame.

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Default Guild

    I know someone has most likely answered you but if me and my current guildies would love to. Its a 3 man guild with just people I know but small guilds with only really two active players is hard to get high level. But we would be more then anything willing to help this guild out that way. If you ever see this message send me a PST or mail on ddo names hellsins

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