We are currently investigating issues that are preventing players from logging in to the game. Players already in-game can continue to play unless they are disconnected or log out. We will keep you updated.
We are currently investigating issues that are preventing players from logging in to the game. Players already in-game can continue to play unless they are disconnected or log out. We will keep you updated.
Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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The log in issues should now be resolved, and we'll see you in the game!
Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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Hello from Standing Stone Games! Facebook Twitter
For Support: https://help.standingstonegames.com
I am unsure if what I experienced this morning is related. Last night, the game would would not exit properly, after 15-20 minutes, I shutdown DDO manually. This AM, after selecting the "Play" button after the checks were made, launcher would time out with "unable to connect to the SQL servers". My assumption was that my local files were corrupted from last night. A reinstall of the backup files did not fix it. I had to completely reinstall and was able to login.
Let's test it!
Username... Password... Log In... Character select screen that STILL fails to show goggles on character model... Enter... Double the loading time compared to pre-patch... And what do you know - I get red connectivity issue icon right off the bat, with no packets received from the server soon followed by Lost Connection crash.
With the same result across three different ISPs, two different machines and all techsupport responded the ticket with was pestering me for more information about my computer and connection.
So yeah. Connectivity issue is NOT resolved.
This, combined with almost a month of downtimes every other day (which happened while I was on VIP subscription too by the way) we had recently leads me to these two questions:
1) Will I be adequately compensated for all this ****?
2) If not - why should I bother with this game any more?
Lack of any answer automatically makes second question more important of two.
Yep, still no connection. Splash screens load and all that fun stuff. Then get's to the update screen and just sits there with the little blinky star and "waiting" posted next to connect. Then of course, the "retry" follows along with the "An update error occurred: A connection attempt failed." Already been through the complete uninstall, reinstall, resets, and so on...anyone else still unable to connect?
Try some of the basic solutions like removing the launcher from your task bar, restarting the computer, re-launching the client. Try running it as an administrator. Try the solutions here, here, here, and here.
If none of that works, please send in a ticket to Technical Support. You can do this by going to support.turbine.com, then clicking on "Support Center" and "Submit a Ticket." Good luck!
Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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Hello from Standing Stone Games! Facebook Twitter
For Support: https://help.standingstonegames.com
In the mean time, I'm doing a full high res re-download and see if that changes anything.
Ticket confirmation at 4:01 PM CT .....2 hours later....still waiting for a response...
It seems over the past 30 days this has become a problem that keeps coming back. 3 times in as much time.
Is there anything being done that will actually make this not a problem every 10 days or so?
After having a problem logging in this morning I looked through old threads in the support area and did a search on the error in google. It seems that part of the login procedure for DDO is based on embedded internet explorer. A windows update went out yesterday (which affects internet explorer security) and I didn't allow the update to occur. I have now updated my windows and am able to login to ddo correctly.
Well 3 hours later since I submitted my ticket and no response from anyone. Finally got the entire game re-downloaded and reinstalled...runs fine now. Appreciate the help...short answer delete everything and start over.