Hello all
With the doom of Update 20s Epic Destiny debacle on the horizon Ive decided to get an FvS life or two onto my Wiz.
This (these) lives are "get to 20" only and will be subject to immediate TR
The only FvS Ive had has been a WF melee Soul and I wasnt overly Impressed with him tbh so Im thinking caster build.
To help you to help me I'll provide some info
He has a couple of past lives, the most relevant being 3 Wizzie lives,and has (iirc) most +4 tomes
I would like to make good use of Instas plus have a strong Blade Barrier.
I would also like to sit back and healbot when the mood takes me :-)
I was thinking
Str ?
Dex ?
Con 16
Int ?
Wis 18
Cha 10
1) PL Wiz
1(H) Maximise
3) Toughness
6) Emp Heal
9) Empower
12) Quicken
15) SF Necro
18) SF Evo
This is just my initial thoughts - as you can see theres a couple of gaps in my starting stats because I dont know whats best.
My main concern is soloing pre. Blade Barrier and would appreciate some tips there.
I chose human in this build for no other reason than the extra feat.
Any help, advice, thoughts are much appreciated so that I can get through this life quickly and efficiently
Thank you