My bad, I missed that.
However, I brought up a TWF unarmed druid build, grabbed its +damage, wrap dice, did some math, got some nice numbers, went to do the same for you, then realised I have absolutely no clue as to what your gear/feats are.
Looking back, it's very funny, at least as far as I can see.
I don't want to hi-jack the thread, but I'm honestly curious, who wins the math battle!
As such, I'd be very interested if you could pm me (on forums, of course) anything you have relating to damage; total str (or mod, same thing), what W your wraps are at, anything directly boosting damage and/or sneak attack, etc. I won't promise my math to be 100% correct (or even partially), but I'd like to see the numbers regardless. At the least, they're an indication.
(And if someone more experienced than I would like to go through my workings-out before I share (with Irongutz and/or the forums, depending on what he'd prefer) the results, that'd also be greatly appreciated! If you'd like to volunteer, again, please drop me a message.)