Enhancements - peeved at the whole idea that the release date has been fixed at 19th August and that come hell or high water you'll be pushing them out the door ready or not. To fix it all you have to do is:
1) Remove most of the pre-req enhancements and free up the enhancement options that people decide to choose (see Epic Destines for how you've successfully done this before)
2) Remove the Points Spent in Tree pre-req, as a worst case scenario make it Points Spent Per Class, or just bite the bullet and go to Total Points Spent (basically how the current Enhancement work!)
3) Add the racial prestige tree option for others not just Arcane Archer (at a sensible cost) and you have just created much greater build diversity not less.
4) Review all caster and healer trees to ensure they have options to boost devotion and spell power
5) Re-introduce spell critical multiplier options for classes, even if it is a Tier 5 ability or a high level caster core ability
6) Add a combat casting prestige tree for Clerics and FVS
Guild renown decay - just announce it has been removed and be done with it.
Monster manual - have someone fix all of the errors that have been previously bug reports, including fixing 2nd stage spawns to count for both Kill count in quest and Slayer count in Wilderness areas. Here is a list of them.
Casters - "You are not facing" .... just fix this. Either cast the spell infront of the caster or centered on the caster, or don't put it on timer and remove spell points.
Quality of Life Fixes .... some idea that this hasn't been abandoned. Here are a handful of suggestions.