I'm now after:
EE Intricate Field Optics (+3 Wis)
EH White Helm (+8 con)
Seal of House Avithoul (+2 dex)

Restored Elven Relics
Gloves + Bracers of the Claw scroll

Have (unbound)
EE Dream Visor
EE White Dragon Helm (+3 str)
EE Black Dragon Helm (+8 con
EE Black Dragon Helm (+3 str)
EE Skyvault Shield
EE Gloves of Forgotten Craft
EE Bronze Ingot Arcanum
EE Mantle of the Dragonfriend
x2 EE Giantcraft Siberys Compass
Diamond of Constitution +7
Diamond of Exceptional STR +1
+8 Wisdom Necklace of Natural Armour +6
+6 Impulse Quaterstaff of Greater Evokation Focus (+3)
Planar Focus of Erudition (+8 Wis)
Planar Focus of Subterfuge (+3 Dex)

Have (bound)
EE White dragon Helm (+8 dex)
EE Manicals of Ceasless Toil
EE Backstabbers gloves

PST to Kschau/Cryeheal or PM me here